Chapter Five: A Little Confrontation

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I ran to the room in which I would be staying and slammed the door shut.

All my things were still packed which meant I just needed to apparate my case into my dorm room and leave.

Strangely, I didn't hear anybody behind me, like they did for they just not like me?

Unfortunately, there's no way for students to legally apparate in and out of Hogwarts...legally of course.

I had to apparate myself to the nearest Floo and take it to the Slytherin common room.

Once I got there I waltzed back up to my room, still a bit upset but I wanted to make sure everything came as is.

With my past apparition experiences, some items tend to apparate incorrectly. But luckily this time wasn't the case.

My stomach soon gurgled...

Dinner time was already over, but it wasn't nearly time for bed, and nobody was in the common room. I thought that was strange but I didn't mind.

I started to make my way downstairs when I heard two voices burst through the door, shouting at each other.

"I'm not stupid! I just don't want to say anything too damaging!" Was that...?

"You need to tell her how you feel! I know for a fact she feels the same way about you that you do her!" Was that...?

"You mean to tell me you wouldn't be bothered in the slightest that your best friend has a crush on your ex-girlfriend?"

"It's not bothering me at all unless you don't tell her! If you don't I will!"

Those voices were exactly who I thought.

I quickly and quietly crept backward to my dorm room and shut the door.

"What was that?" I heard Ominis speak from downstairs once more.

"I don't know but I guess we'll find out." I heard Sebastian reply as I started to walk downstairs.

"Oh hey, there you are! We thought you left for the girl's trip.." Sebastian says in a nervous tone.

"Oh, I was. But a few things came up and my mood changed. I couldn't stand being there anymore."

"Oh really?" Ominis asked. "Would you mind telling us?"

I nodded, even though only Sebastian could see it. "Not the whole story though."

"We don't mind," Sebastian assured me.

"I got really upset talking to Imelda about how Garreth is doing...which the answer is terrible by the way. Our relationship is shit. He doesn't even like me. He's scared of my father and threatened by him."

"Oh wow...what's happening with Garreth?" Sebastian poked.

"Sebastian, she said not the whole story." Ominis interrupted.

"It's fine Omi," I assured him with a quick hand on his shoulder. I took a breath then spoke again.

"Pretty much he's scared of my dad. Our relationship hasn't even been real this whole time. I can't even say I like him because it was all forced. My dad's doing it because he has a problem with Sebastian."

The boys sat on the couch speechless. Unsure of what to say next.

"Well, what does he think about Ominis?" Sebastian asked.

"Sebastian!" Ominis scolded.

"Oops got to go!" Sebastian yelled and ran to the Floo, traveling out of the room.

"I'm so confused. What was that?" I asked now sitting next to Ominis.

"Oh,'s nothing. But seriously, what does he think?" Ominis told me, waving away the fact that our mutual friend just disappeared out of here.

"Who? My father? What does he think about you?" I asked.

Ominis nodded, and even though he wasn't looking directly at me, I could tell he had a nervous look on his face. For a moment, he smiled.

"Well I don't know, we haven't talked about it." I shrugged.

"Oh." Ominis sighed.

"But! If I were my father. I would think you are a perfect man for my daughter. You're a very well-behaved student, very educated, you excel in almost anything, and although it ain't important to me...but it is to my're pure blood. But that's just my father talking."

"You mean even if I wasn't pure blood if I was a muggle? Or just half?"

"What about it Omi?" I asked the dusty-haired boy.

"You mean you would still like me and want to be my friend?" He asked. Ominis finally used his wand to turn towards me, he touched our foreheads together.

"Ominis Gaunt, I love you no matter what."

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