22- the rain.

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Amelia is laying on top of jo. Naked.

Jo:it's not what it looks like I swear

April: so it doesn't look like your having sex?

Amelia starts giggiling

April:What the hell Amelia it hasn't even been an hour that we have been broken up and you sleep with jo?!!! I don't even wanna know... Why? How could you do this to Izzie? Shes gorgeous beautiful intelligent kind and smart and funny she's everything you could ask for Jo and you do this???

Jo: Izzie....

Izzie: no I don't even wanna hear it. Its over I never wanna speak to you again unless it's work related goodbye  jo. You can come by and get your stuff after you shift. I'll leave the bags at the front door. Goodbye.

And with that I slam the door and drag April to a supply closet.

April: Izzie stop.

I stop and look at her we are 2 inches away from the supply closet and she pulls me to her and I just cry. She wraps her hand around my head and waist holding me close.

April: are you ready to go in the closet?
Izzie: I'm ready.

As we walk in she pins me to a wall and we start making out instantly our tongues traveling in each other's mouth our hands moving up and down each other's body, unfortunately we have to let go to let each other breathe but we let go with a smile

April POV

Izzie: I love you April
April: I love you too Izzie,

April: I know this is gonna sound crazy but will you marry me?

I stare at her she's smiling with a tear running down her face.

Izzie: yes Yes yes I will your not crazy.

I put her hand in mine and with that we walk out the hospital in the rain and start running twords city hall so I can make her mines.

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