Omake(そのまま): Just As You Are

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The rhythmic waves of the ocean crash gently against the shore. The sea foams and recedes back to its body of water. It was a beautiful day. The children kick the sand and a myriad of people laze underneath the warmth of the afternoon star.

"Ryomen...." She grabs onto his arm as they continue their walk, "Hey, are you listening to me?"

His occupied mind finally hears her, "Hm?"

"Smile will you?" She leans into him with a smile of her own. One that's most sincere and mildly persuasive.

The man grumbles underneath his breath. He was in no mood to be coaxed.

"Come on!" She laughs and shoves him softly, "It's not the end of the world."

"I wish it were."

"Oh, don't be like that!" She beams.

Her smiles contagious. He tries his very best not to give in to her. The man diverts his gaze elsewhere but not before shoving her encroaching face away with his hand. She pouts.

"I hate it here." He says.

She sighs and laces her fingers into his as they continue down the paved sidewalk of a beach.

"No one told you to beat the crap out of your boss." She reminds him.

"He deserved it." The man's tired of working under tyrants. He pulls at the neck accessory around the collar of his dress shirt and loosens his tie.

"Still." The girl reaffirms, "There's other methods of trying to get your point across to others."

"You're right I should have thrown him out of the window instead."

She lets out a heavy sigh, "Ryomen. If you keep doing these things you'll never be able to hold a job."

"Job Schmob."

The girl stops walking. She drops his hand and crosses her arms. The expression that took over her features was enough to get her point across. She had no intentions of taking care of him in that way. He's an adult and the man should be able to be self-sustaining. And as an adult he should also take accountability for his actions.

"I won't do it again." He rolls his eyes and it's not convincing.

"It's not that hard, Ryomen."

It's not hard—for her. He felt like a sheep. A cog in the system. And he absolutely hated it. Hated his boss and anyone who was ever above him. Hated how they treated him or any of his other colleagues. Hated how they ran things. It was truly depressing; waking up every single day to the same exact bullshit.

"Easy for you to say." He huffs, thinking she has it so easy but no one ever truly has it easy.

She makes a face, one he's seen many times, "Life is hard. It's never fair. And it really hurts like hell sometimes. But if you focus on what's within your power to change and for the better. Then you can. And you will."

"Ya, ya, ya." The man wafts a hand through the air. He's tired of hearing her attempts to make him a better person.

She giggles and Sukuna Ryomen has no idea what this girl sees in him. She was the epitome of a good, kind-hearted person. Someone who was completely on a different spectrum than he was. She was the embodiment of empathy and compassion; everything he is not and could never imagine being. He hated people too much. But maybe that's why he needed her. Because she allowed him to see things in another perspective. Because she grounded him. And because she loved him; just the way he is.

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