Chapter 12

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"Itadori."  Yuta's hands hold onto the pink-haired man's shoulders, "Are you okay??"

"Itadori!" You run up to the two men.

Yuji's arms are around his abdomen. He might still be feeling a bit of the pressure from the stab, "I'm fine."

Reverse cursed technique. A special technique that is extremely complex and difficult to perform. Which is why only a few sorcerer's possess this ability; one being Okkotsu Yuta. It's the process of turning negative cursed energy into positive cursed energy. This type of technique is commonly used to heal but can be used for other things also. Unfortunately, using reversed cursed technique to heal someone else is much less effective than using it to heal yourself. Therefore, Itadori Yuji will likely have some scarring at the wound site.

"I'm sorry." Yuta's arm drops down to his sides. The man's gaze falls to the ground as he ponders about the situation. He brings a hand up to scratch his head, "This might be a bit more complicated than we anticipated...."

"Don't apologize." Yuji shakes his head, he understands the situation for what it was; what it is. It's something he also agreed to when joining jujutsu tech many years ago. Even after graduating and even after all this time that had passed. The pink-haired man has never once forgotten, "If it comes down to it, if it means it'll get rid of Sukuna. Im willing to die. For everyone's sake."

"No...." You shake your head. You're against this idea, "....there must be another way...."

"I agree." Yuta says, "There has to be another way."

"Unless Sukuna gains another host....I can't imagine any other way." There was apart of Yuji that didn't mind being a sacrifice as he had promised but there was also another part of him, that wanted to keep on living. But there's also one more thing and this thing is something he would feel guilty of, even well into the afterlife, "Even if he managed to get another host...."

Yuji still hugs his abdomen, his hands curl into fists. There's a deep crease that forms at his eyebrows. He holds back the tremble in his voice. It's something he could not fathom, " could I? How could I possibly let someone else die so that I could live?!"

"We'll find a way." You say and you're not too sure if your words hold any truth behind them. But someone has to be that person. The person who is willing to believe in a miracle. The person who needs to incite any kind of hope.

Yuji doesn't feel very confident in anyone's optimism and you could see it in his expression.

"We'll find a way." Yuta reiterates upon seeing how uncertain the pink-haired male was.

Yuji finally nods.

"Itadori, I hate to change the subject...." Your eyes go off to the side somewhere. You grow nervous and your face may have started to feel the heat of slight embarrassment. You bring your gaze back to the pink-haired man who now looks at you with curiosity, "....but, do you remember anything at all?"

In that split second there may have been a slight flicker in the man's light-brown eyes. It was a deep look that could reach your soul. A look that caused your insides to twist and your stomach to flip. It's a look that makes you believe that Itadori Yuji had been there consciously this entire time; that he had seen everything that transpired between you and Sukuna. But it vanished almost instantly.

Yuji brings a hand to the back of his head. His demeanor changes almost immediately; like he had been someone completely different in that split second. The man's eyes avert to the sky. He appears to be thinking—way too hard, "Uhhhhhhhhhh....."

".....anything?" Your voice is almost a plea. You're hoping the guy doesn't remember anything. Like the first time.

"....the last thing I remember was flying out of the window."

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