Omake (黒): Kuro Black

1.8K 96 54

Year 1924
Taishō Era


"Pleaseeeeee." She begs him.

The man watches her pleading expression that wreathed her pretty face. He thinks about it. He says, "No."

"But this color represents royalty in China." She smiles and jiggles the bottle of dark lacquer in his face.

"We live in Japan." Sukuna shoves her hand away. Along with the bottle of nail polish, "And that was an ancient time."

One of the first nail varnishes ever created date back to ancient China, 3000 BC. These manicures, which were made of beeswax, Arabic gum and egg whites, held an important meaning beyond aesthetic reasoning. It was a way for the people to distinguish class and social ranks. During the Zhou Dynasty, gold and silver were popular colors worn by the royal family or anyone with high ranking status. As time went on, red and black eventually became favorable in comparison to the outdated metallics. People of less rank and status were only allowed to paint their nails in neutral, muted colors. Anything beyond that was punishable by death.

The girl leans into him. She says this without knowledge of his past, "....aren't you an ancient man?"

"You're funny aren't you?"

She ignores him and her hands come up again. She presses the small glass bottle against the side of her face. The forced charm in her voice doesn't sell, "Come onnnnn."

He makes a face and his expression is a visible answer to her questioning eyes.

The girl doesn't give up. She brings herself much closer to him and her lips press against his ear. The enticement in her voice was hard to ignore. He caves.

"Fine." He says and he makes the girl promise him that she'll remove the darn thing after she's had her fun.

Her hand goes up. It's scouts honor.

"I thought you said this comes off easily

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"I thought you said this comes off easily." Sukuna scratches at the black adorning his nails. The man curls his nails into his palms and looks down at his painted fingers. And then he curses under his breath at the atrocity.

"I thought it did...."

He throws her a look of disbelief and the girls placating gesture won't save her now.

He grabs her by the arm and the man's serious. His voice is thick with irritation, "Take it off."

She chews lightly against her lower lip at his innocent words that she may have defiled in her mind. Her slow flirtatious gaze go from his lips to his glaring eyes. The girl brings her pointer up to show him, "You mean these?"

Her panties dangle around her finger. She had likely taken them off while he was busy minding his new manicure that looked like it was done by an amateur.

Sukuna's jaw shifts as he clenches. His attention goes from the girls underwear, immediately to her skirt. She had nothing on underneath. Nothing holding him back. Nothing holding it back.

It was so easy for her to beguile him into these endeavors but the man couldn't complain. He loved sexual fulfillment (as long as it was hers alone).

She feels his grip tighten around her arm and the creases that formed along his forehead lets her know everything the guy must be thinking. That he absolutely could not resist—any of it.

"What's the matter?...." Her tones seductive and her eyes search his face for any signs of refusal, "....Ryomen?"

"You really are...." His hands that will soon undress the rest of her go up slowly and into her skirt. She feels the roughness in his touch as he grabs her bare ass, "....a fucking brat."


Author Note

Not too sure the story behind Sukuna's nail color in JJK. I may have read about it somewhere previously. But since this story is headcanon and does not follow the storyline. This is how I wanted to introduce the color of his nails.

Thanks for understanding!

Also, fun fact (and not sure if this is every country). But the first nail polish that came out in the states were in the early 1920's and it was a clear one, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. And it wasn't until about 1928 when the first acetone nail polish remover was released.

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