Chapter Four

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Thought I should let you all know that I made the gif on the side of this chapter. ^.^ It's Danny and Joe when the band was recording their demos with Joey :) Also Danny's hair flips were quite delicious, so you're welcome.


Danny teaches me a few more chords and we look some up on the internet. All of the sudden, he stands up.

“I need paper,” he says.

I’ve got no idea what he’s doing but I find him a post-it and a pen. Danny takes a seat at the desk in my room and chews on the end of the pen, pausing occasionally to scribble a few things on the paper. I walk over to the desk and look over his shoulder, and before I can read what’s on the paper he grabs it and stuffs it in his pocket.

“You’re not allowed to see it yet,” he mumbles. “It’s not done.”

I fight the urge to bother him until he shows it to me.“Okay, whatever you say.”

He nods and stands up again. “I’d better go,” he says. “The guys want to go to a club later tonight.”

“Alright,” I say, but I can tell by his movements and tone of voice that he’s hesitant to leave. I’m about to ask why, but he’s already heading for the door.


As I lie on my bed with my iPod playing softly in my ears, I think about Asking Alexandria.

I think of what would happen f they move to America, and then I think of how they’re the only thing I’ve got left of Joe.

And now I’m angry and the tears won’t stop flowing. He left. He’s gone. He’s not coming back because if he was, he’d be here right now. I flip onto my stomach and bury my face in my pillow. I’m tired of these long nights. I’m tired of the tears that always stab away at the back of my eyes, just waiting for something to set me off. Without really thinking about it, I grab my pillow and throw punch after punch into its forgiving surface.

And when I do that I scare myself because in the two years I dated Joe, I was never once as mad at him as I am right now.

I put down the pillow and just stare at my ceiling because I don’t know what else to do with myself. At times like these I usually just clean myself up and run out to the RV, but the boys aren’t there. And when I think about the RV being empty, I think of how many things could be happening to the guys right now.

I take a deep breath because I know I need to calm down, and then I toss on a sweatshirt and descend the stairs two by two.

I whip open the front door, lock it quickly behind me and run until I see the parking lot. I go straight to the RV and when I get inside, I collapse onto the bed that the boys share because I need to feel the soft sheets that smell like them.

As my heartbeat slows I let out a long sigh. I don’t want to see the guys stumble back tripping on LSD or so drunk that they can’t stand up. I’ve seen that too often in the fairly short time I’ve known them. They don’t care about what it does to them, though, because as long they all do it together it won’t cause problems for the band and that’s all that matters, right?

I try to believe it because that’s what they tell me, but it’s hard. I hate it when they do that to themselves because I know the effects it has on people.

But I don’t want to think about this. I just want to sleep…


“Az, get the fuck out of my bed. You’ve got your own.”

My eyes fly open; Danny’s mouth is by my ear. I pull away slightly at the strong smell of alcohol and swing my legs sleepily over the side of the bed. I blink the sleep out of my eyes and glance around the RV; all of the boys seem to be inside except for James.

“James is with a slut,” says Ben, answering my unvoiced question.

I cringe. “Gross,” I say, because the guys are too drunk to argue with me.

Cameron shrugs. “She was fit.”

I shake my head and check the time; it’s nearly four o’clock in the morning.

“I’m going home,” I mutter, because I’m not in the mood to put up with three drunken boys at this hour of the morning.

All of the sudden, there’s something clinging to my arm. I turn around and Danny releases his grip.

“No, don’t go,” whines Danny. “I want to wake up beside you. Please.”

I raise an eyebrow because just a minute ago he just me to get out of his bed, but my heart leaps in my chest.

Cameron whistles. “Danny’s gettin’ some,” he slurs.

I glare at Cameron and Danny takes this opportunity to pull me backwards towards him.

“Pleeeeease,” he repeats.

“You’re really drunk, Danny,” says Ben.

“Shut up, cunt, as if you’re not,” Danny replies.

I shake my head. “Guys, I think I’m just going to go.”

Danny grabs my arm again. “No. Az, you are not leaving this fucking RV.”

I groan. “Dear Lord, Danny. Fine, I’ll stay.”

Danny grins; his eyes are half-shut. He’s probably going to pass out any second. He pats the space beside him on the bed, and hesitantly I climb back in. Before I know it Danny’s arm is draped around my waist and his head is resting on my shoulder. His breath tickles my collarbones and a shiver runs down my spine.

I sleep as soon as I close my eyes.

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