Chapter Sixteen

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In this chapter you will basically see the writing process of the Final Episode. I like to think it has a deeper meaning than Danny's explanation, which was basically that they were all drunk as fuck and writing whatever spilt out of their foggy brains. Yes, I am aware that I am beyond lame. But hey, if you're here right now that probably means that you are, too. :)

So yeah. I am not entirely sure yet but there are probably three or four chapters left in this story. If there are any suggestions as to a new fic for me to start, I would gladly take them! I was thinking somewhere along the lines of Austin Carlile or Oli Sykes, simply because I have now written 3 fics about Asking Alexandria and I have pretty much worn out my ideas to do with the 5 babes (at least for now). So yeah, suggest away :D

I'll shut up now. If anybody feels the need to punch someone after reading this chapter, I am genuinely sorry and you can punch me anytime. Please just ask beforehand because nobody likes a surprise puncher. Don't be that guy.


Now, adios bitchachos.


Dear Az,

By the time you read this text I’ll probably be in a better place, but I don’t want you to be sad. You’ve helped me more than you’ll ever know and I will never forget the kindness you’ve shown me, even now. If you do one thing for me, please make sure my dad gets clean. He keeps the drugs in the bottom drawer of his dresser. The police will probably find that useful. I should’ve done something when it first got bad but sometimes it’s all you can do to take care of yourself, let alone handle the ones who are hurting you.

I was in a bad place. The cutting was a release but it never offered me the comfort you and the boys did. It hurt to go from such a welcoming environment to one that has never offered me something to be happy about. I think that’s why I was never really able to stop harming myself. I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand why some people valued me, while others treated me as something that was simply taking up space. I don’t think that what my dad did was right, but I understand now that some people just aren’t meant for the lives they’re handed. I understand that everyone is worth something, but it takes the right people to realize it. I understand.

And I know you understand, too. Because as much as you don’t want to admit it, you saw this coming. I did, too. I suppose I never really got to a better place, what with my dad and the cutting. And that’s why I’m sending you this; I want you to know that even though you couldn’t keep this from happening, you helped me to be happy, and that’s something I couldn’t have done on my own. So please don’t be sad. You showed me the road to happiness; I’m sure you can show yourself the same thing.

Thank you for saving me.

Love always,


I drop my phone and fall to my knees.



Oh my God.

I can’t speak. I can’t look at myself. He’s gone. Azalea was right. He’s gone and we won’t get him back.

If only he knew about the world without the bullshit and the lies. Maybe we could’ve saved him, and I would’ve been saved from this misery.

 Instead, though, I’m here in my bunk, quietly drowning in my own fucking mind.

Why didn’t I listen to her? Why can’t I just get past my own pigheaded stubbornness and listen to her when she knows far more about these things than I do?

The Irony of Your Perfection (An Asking Alexandria Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن