Chapter Twelve

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As I lean against Danny I watch the city roll by on the other side of the window. I don’t really want to talk to anyone.

The cabbie takes us to the address Ben requested and we step out while James pays. Sam helps the cabbie unload our bags, which we leave in a pile near the road. Ben leads us up the steps of a small blue house across the road and punches the doorbell with his finger.

A few moments later the door swings open, revealing a tall boy with a labret piercing and straight brown hair rather like Sam’s. His high cheekbones and dark lashes cast shadows across his face, creating an angular contour that is softened only by a pair of deep brown eyes and the warm flush that tickles his cheeks. A row of bracelets lines each of his arms and he’s wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a Motley Crue tee.

He gives us a small smile and takes Ben’s outstretched hand.

“I assume you’re Elias. Nice to meet you,” says Ben. He gestures at each one of us in turn and introduces us. Elias gives us all a shy nod.

Elias clears his throat. “The RV is just around the back,” he says.

Ben nods. “Alright then, let’s see it.”

Elias walks down the steps, closing the door behind him. He leads us all to the back gate, which he unlatches, and we step into his back yard. It’s large, and in the dead center of it is parked a fairly decent-looking RV. Danny takes one look at it and then a tire swing near the fence catches his eye; naturally he runs over and seems quite content to swing and text while we examine the RV.

Elias pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the RV. We all file in; it’s not exactly spacious but it’ll do. There’s a big bed in the back and a couch near the front, so I guess the sleeping arrangements will involve being sandwiched between slightly drunk and/or high teenage boys. Not that the guys will mind, of course.

“There’s a little bathroom to the left of the bed, too,” says Elias, breaking the silence.

Cameron nods and turns to Ben. “I’m sold,” he says.

Ben raises his eyebrows and turns to Sam, who promptly nods and stretches out on the couch.

James just gives Ben a wide smile.

Finally, Ben turns to me. I reach up and ruffle his hair. “Pay up, Benny boy.”

Ben glances at Elias. “We’ll take it, then,” he says.

Elias seems relieved. “Great,” he says. As he reaches to take the cash from Ben, my eyes spot the faint outlines of scars peering out from between his bracelets. I inhale sharply.

Ben turns to me, a quizzical expression on his face. “You alright, love?” he asks.

I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yeah,” I say. “I’ll be outside.”

Calmly, I push past James and step outside. While the final arrangements are being made inside, I walk over to Danny. He’s lying on the ground with his feet propped up on the tire swing, swaying it gently back and forth. I stifle a laugh.

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