Chapter Six

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I wake up to the sound of Ben yelling, “I fucking knew it!”

I open my eyes; my head hurts like hell.

I take a second to register my surroundings; I’m on a bed in an unfamiliar room and I don’t quite remember how I got here. Danny is beside me but that’s not too unusual. We sleep in the same bed in the RV all of the time, but something feels wrong. I wonder what it could be, but then I realize that under these sheets, I’m not wearing anything.

“Shit!” I whisper urgently, and as I look around the room I see Ben leaning in the doorframe with a massive grin on his face.

“I knew you two were going to fuck,” he says. “You’ve been after each other all week.”

I can feel the color drain from my face.

We had sex?

Oh God, oh God, oh God. No, we couldn’t have. I can’t have been that drunk…

“I can’t believe you got that drunk!” says Ben, and I make a mental note to punch him later. Cheeky bastard, standing there casually playing with his stupid lip rings while I lay awkwardly in bed with no clothes on.

“Get the fuck out and let me get dressed,” I hiss at Ben, and he grins, uncrosses his arms and closes the door.

I glance over at Danny; he’s still sleeping. My head pounds. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I wobble. Slowly I gather up all of my clothes from the floor and change. Once I look presentable, I slide out the door.

I’m trying not to panic. In all reality, I don’t remember having sex with Danny but that seems to be where the evidence is pointing. I run a hand through my hair. I really hope I didn’t because I don’t want to lose our friendship.

But at the same time… oh, to hell with it. He was probably good.

So maybe I like him a bit. There’s no way he feels the same, though. Danny is a womanizer and everyone knows it. Maybe it’s better I that can’t remember it.

I descend the steps and cling to the smooth wooden banister for dear life as the room spins before me. When I get downstairs I find Ben in the kitchen talking to… was it Sam? I can’t quite remember. Fuck, next thing I know I’ll forget my own name.

When Ben sees me he doesn’t say anything, but he wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively as he sips on a mug of coffee. I glare at him.

“’Morning,” says Sam, sending a smile my way. I like him; he seems nice.

“’Morning,” I reply.

Ben stands up. “We’d better go,” he says. “Az, we’ve got some things to discuss back in the RV.”

I shrug. “Okay. I’ll wake up Danny.”

Ben grins, and I smack him on the arm.

I walk back up the stairs with some difficulty. When I open the door, to my surprise Danny is sitting on the edge of the bed pulling on his sock.

He looks up at me; something flashes briefly in his eyes, and then he says, “Good morning, Az.”

It’s as if he doesn’t even remember.

Maybe he doesn’t.

I decide to play it cool. “’Morning. Come out to the car when you’re ready, we’re going to drive back to the RV. Ben wants to talk about something.”

Danny nods. “Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

I go back down the stairs and walk out to the car where the rest of the boys are waiting. Danny joins us in a few minutes, looking as oblivious as ever.

James drives us back to my house and parks the car, and we all walk down to the RV. When we get inside we all sit down on the couches. Ben looks at me and clears his throat.

“Remember Sam?” asks Ben.

“Vaguely,” I say sarcastically, and Cameron lets out a small laugh.

“He plays bass,” says Ben. “I really don’t want to be mean or anything but he’s just got experience. I think it’d be better for the band.”

I pause, and then I nod slowly. “It’s okay,” I say, but it’s really not. Because when else will I get to be alone with Danny if he’s not helping me learn to play bass anymore?

“What if Joe comes back?” I ask, and the boys fall silent.

“He won’t,” says Ben. “He told us he was done with it.”

All of the boys nod, except for Danny. He’s hunched over with his head down and his hands clasped between his knees; he’s thinking.

Danny looks up at me and our eyes meet, but he gives me no indication as to what he’s been thinking about.

“He called me before I came out to the car,” says Danny. “He wanted to talk to you but I figured you wouldn’t want to.”

My heart skips a beat. All eyes are now on Danny and me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask, and I realize I’m angry.

Danny shrugs. “Like I said, I figured you wouldn’t want to talk to him.”

I stand up. “Fuck, Danny,” I say, and I walk out of the RV without saying a word. I’m going to call Joe.

The Irony of Your Perfection (An Asking Alexandria Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu