Bigger, Badder, Brutal-er!

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I narrowed my eyes at the script in my hands, reading it over before the show went live. "Are. . . are you sure I have to read this? I'm pretty sure you guys planned this for Chris, not me." I said, turning my head to the interns, who, I noticed almost instantly, were far more comfortable around me than they were with Chris. These guys were new, and were all around seventeen, or eighteen.

They all shrugged at me, not exactly sure themselves. "Um. . . well. . . I'm winging it. I ain't reading this crap." I lost the script. There was no way I was gonna follow in the footsteps of Chris. All of a sudden, the only veteran of the show, Mateo, my literal favourite intern, hurried up to me, and told me something. 

"So. . . we, uh, have a bit of a problem." I raised a brow at him. "Eh? What's that?" I questioned. "Your d- um. . . Chris. . . dumped a bunch of toxic waste here, and the whole island has kinda turned into some mutant freakshow. Like, all the animals, some plants. . ." I widened my eyes at his words. "He- WHAT?! Oh my god, that's literally a felony! Jesus Christ. . . alright, then, warn the RCMP I ain't behind this, got it?" "Got it." He went off, hopefully to clear my name.

I'd nearly gotten done once for breaking a few traffic laws. . . I certainly am not getting jailed for an environmental felony I didn't commit.

"Okay, we're rolling in three. . . two. . . action!" The camera crew said, and I quickly realized the how literally unimportant the host persona was with me. "We've been to the movies. We've been around the world! Well, Chris has. . . Anyway, this season, we're going right back to where it all began. . . Camp Wawanakwa! I'm Lewis McLean, and ,as you can see, things have changed since I've been away."

I walked over to the left of the dock, beside an intern. I realized that some kind of Kraken-ass thing was about to kill him, so I pulled him to the side, barely hiding my concern. I did, however, quickly move on to avoid too much attention being drawn to him. "And, uh-! By changed. . . I mean. . . they've gotten really, really dangerous. . . not the greatest position to be in. But! The rules of the game remain the same. A handful of. . . 'unsuspecting' teenagers will bunk with people they've never met before."

I paused for a mere second. "And, because only SOME rules remain the same, I will, fortunately, not have to bunk with 'em anymore, and get my own trailer. Moving on. . . they'll also reveal their dirty secrets in the confessional, which still remains the dirty old outhouse. . . and compete in, what appears to be, life-threatening challenges all over the island, and risk being voted off."

I glanced to the side, giving the interns the glare that meant 'keep it nice'. I then returned to giving the intro to the whole thing. "The last contestant standing wins one. . . million. . . dollars! Speaking of our cast. . . here they come, now!" I widened my eyes at the cruise ship that held ALL of the original cast, including Sierra.

"Uh. . . Mateo. . . ?" I whispered, turning my focus to him. He raised a brow at this, too, and checked the script, which he was currently holding. He then shrugged at me, not really sure why they were here. To be fair, the entire cast was just enjoying themselves, and they clearly hadn't changed in the two years I hadn't seen them. "Um. . . no. . . not them!" I raised my voice again to an audible level, trying to play this off as if I knew what was going on.

Owen realized this almost immediately, and screamed. "NOOOO!" I laughed nervously, before composing myself again. "This season, we've got a whole new cast of players fighting for the million. And, here they come now. . . FOR REAL." I finished off, looking at the next cruise, which carried the actual new cast.

"Meet Jo!" Jo was a dark blonde, masculine female. She wasn't what I'd call a jock, but I could tell that she was definitely a sports lover. However, and I don't know why, she was acting all moody. She turned to the ginger boy beside her, who wasn't too happy, either. "Stay out of my way, if you value your kiwis." She warned, and he folded his arms, just as I announced his name. "Scott!" "Right back at 'cha."

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