Grand Chef Auto

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[since i've been super mean to lewis in the past week or so. . . you get to read a light-hearted chapter where he fixes some problems in his life.]


So. . . it's been a week since Mike and Cameron talked to me about the. . . 'Vito problem' and. . . I've actually. . . been considering it. Like. . . thinking. . . a lot.

He didn't like me, he was just. . . manipulating me. . . into doing all this stuff for him. . . and the same case goes for the abuse, too. 

I have to say, it was. . . kind of surprising when they told me. I didn't wanna believe it at first. I knew it was true, but I just. . . didn't wanna accept it. It took a good two hours before I caved in. They brought up the fact he said something about killing people for their attitude, and. . . then I sorta just. . . broke down.

So, since it's a challenge day today, I've prepared myself, and I think I'm ready to ask him if I can quit. Wait, no. I'm gonna TELL him I quit. Then I'm gonna fix things with the others.


I was rudely brought out of my trailer by an air raid siren. I didn't appreciate how it was Chris, too. You know, he could've sent Chef into an episode! I'm just glad they actually tell him about these things. . .

"Good morning, campers! Today, we have a very special treat!" Suddenly, everyone started shooting their guesses. "Fantasy football?" "Espressos?" "Helicopter bear hunt?" I decided to throw one out as well. "The merge?"

Chris answered us all simultaneously. "Nope! It's merge day!" I clenched my fist. "Called it, yes!" "No more Team Rat, no more Team Maggot. From now on, it's every man, woman, and Cameron for himself." 

/// Jo ///

"The merge. Finally! All that team hooey was really chafing my butt. Lightning has been pretty useful, though. . . I may keep him around a while longer, just to intimidate the others."

/// End ///

"Chef! Drop it like it's hot!" He spoke into a radio, and no less than four seconds later, the Maggots' cabin was crushed with a block of concrete. "HOLY CRAP!" I yelled, stumbling back. Zoey, of course, was just as shocked. "YOU CRUSHED OUR CABIN WITH A BLOCK OF SOLID CONCRETE?!"

Chris was very relaxed about this. "I had a bunch left over from building a monument. . . to myself. I call it. . . Mount Chrismore." I furrowed my brows. "Of course you did." "From now on, you'll all share this one, tiny, cruddy little cabin." Zoey still wasn't happy. "But all our stuff was in there!" "Yes. . . and because I am nice, and not heartless. . ." Me and Chris looked at each other, before he continued.

". . . I'll help you get it out. One McLean brand pickaxe. . . children's size." He threw it to the Maggots, and it hit Cameron in the eye. "Enjoy! Later, taters." He got up onto the ladder of the helicopter, and was accidently knocked into the block of concrete before moving past it to God knows where.


I was sitting on the roof, beside Zoey, while she was using the tiny pickaxe to try and break through.

"Ha! Glad that wasn't OUR cabin!" Jo said with a smirk. "Haha! Score one for Team Dude!" Lightning said, and Cameron approached Jo, whilst Lightning walked off. "Hey, Jo. Now that the teams are disbanded. . . if you want some brains, to compliment your brawn, maybe we could make an arrangement?"

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