Ice Ice Baby

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[TW - Domestic violence, implied S/A of a minor]


"Previously on Total Drama Revenge of The Island, we learnt that, although our campers are here to win, I suppose they're all losers in one way, or another. First off, it was a psychological butt kicking that quickly turned into a literal butt kicking. Alas, in the end, Dakota got the biggest boot of all. Stay tuned as more things blow up, more contestants throw up, and some even try to hook up- what?! . . .Wait, never mind, that's actually accurate. Right here on Total. . . Drama. . . Revenge of The Island!"


This wasn't my first time cooking for these idiots, but. . . it was the first time they knew it was ME cooking for them. They claimed they were fans of the show, but weren't at all happy about eating something that I'd made. Despite having, like, two weeks' worth already. . . I guess it's 'cause I'm related to Chris, or something.

"Lewis. . . are you SURE you know how to cook. . . ?" Zoey asked cautiously, taking a seat at her table. "Oh my fuc- ZOEY. For the tenth time, I can cook just fine, thank you! I'm sick of repeating myself. Trust me on this, man! Jeez. . ." I responded, turning on the gas hobs, which luckily didn't set on fire this time.

[For context, the last time Lewis was in the Camp Wawanakwa kitchen cooking something with Chef. . . Chef accidentally set fire to the stove, and nearly burned down the mess hall.]

I sighed in relief quietly, grabbing a couple things from the cupboards. Not everyone was actually here yet. My rule was that they had to get up at 8:00 at the latest, but could sleep in for however long they wanted, as long as they got up at that time. As a matter of fact, it was only Zoey and Cameron in the hall. 

They struck up conversation, while I started working on the waffles. Of course, I knew from experience that Lightning wouldn't eat it unless it had some kind of protein in it, so I made his separately.

Man, this reminds me way too much of Action. That one day, when Dad was a bit late 'cause of the challenge. . . 

"Um, Lewis?" I raised a brow. "Yeah?" ". . . You know a mutant's trying to break down the door, right?" I simply blinked at him, processing his words. I then turned my head, to see that a large bear who I faintly recognized was trying to get into the storage cupboard. I furrowed my brows, not really sure how to handle this. I turned my head back to the waffles. "Eh, she isn't trying to kill anyone, so. . . I'll deal with her later."

They were just about done, so it was actually pretty convenient the rest of them sat down at their separate tables. I handed the plates out, trying to ignore the loud scraping coming from the metal storage cupboard, and the bear trying to get in. After I'd become empty-handed, I finally decided to deal with her.

"Okay, Koda, that's enough. I'll get you what you want later." I forced her out, but, like. . . gently, kind of? I didn't hurt her in any way, but just lead her out, really. Then, I walked back into the mess hall, leaning against the serving area. Strangely enough, Sam decided to insult, not the mutant bear, not me, but my cooking. "Ugh! Now I know why 'gruel' rhymes with 'cruel'. . ." I narrowed my eyes at him.

Cool off, Lewis. . .

He also somehow managed to cough up his food all over Scott. "Oh, sorry, man. . ." Scott responded by throwing an empty bowl off Sam's chin.

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