Backstabbers Ahoy!

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[TW - Implied S/A of a minor, implied C/P]


"Last time on Total Drama Revenge of The Island! Ten campers went on a scavenger hunt that was very spooky, and very, very painful. Anne Maria and. . . Vito. . . sucked face. And, just when we thought it couldn't get any weirder, Arachn-Izzy showed up to do an eight legged tap dance for a captive audience. . . and her buddy, Chef. In the end, Brick left his five team mates behind, and volunteered for a dishonourable discharge, but I put him on the opposite team, instead. Hey! It's our show - I can do what I want. Watch."

Chef threw a sleeping Dakota into the lake, immediately waking her up. "AGH-! WHERE AM I?!" "Who will ride the Hurl of Shame next? And, how many times can I laugh at them before then? Find out, right now, on Total. . . Drama. . . Revenge of The-"

I switched off the TV, groaning. 

Sure, my TV in my trailer could double as a camera, but. . . I was barely in my trailer, anyway.

Last week was a pain in the ass, and I still haven't 'recovered' from it, as Chris says. He says I'm more tired than usual, and I'm way more tense than usual, too. . . I dunno. I guess he could be right. The only times I've left my trailer this week were to deal with the many complaints of the campers. 

. . . Still. Since there's an episode today, I guess I can work up the motivation to get out bed. . . I do have another research 'appointment' with Cam. . . he's worked out the days of the week where Mike's alters talk in his sleep most, so. . . we kinda just. . . watch. See what they talk about.

I was, somehow, rudely forced up by Brick's stupid reville alarm. AGAIN. You know, ever since Chris decided to switch Brick from the Maggots to the Rats, that thing has woken me up at exactly 5:00 AM every single morning. Even on the weekends! Can you believe that?! Waking up at five. . . on a Saturday!?

/// Sam ///

"Man! My ears haven't rung like that since I played Guitar Band 9 on maximum rockness!" He laughed, before continuing to play on his console.

/// End ///

/// Lightning ///

"And, there I was, on the one yard line, ready to score a touchdown, and win the Super Bowl, when the new guy's alarm clock went off! If he wakes me up one more time like that. . . he's gonna get struck by Lightning!"

/// End ///

/// Scott ///

He held out the alarm clock, and spoke. "Show you what I'm gonna do to Brick." He punched the clock several times, grunting with each hit. He then shoved the clock down the confessional toilet, and it suddenly rang again. "Huh. . . ? What the-?" The confessional then flooded.

/// End ///

With a groan, I got out of bed, fixed myself up, and sat down at my table, eating a bowl of cereal.  

I was considering pouring a cup of coffee in there instead of milk. Aha! Ha. . . hm. . .

My phone buzzed on the table, and I picked it up, speaking with a mouth full of cereal. "Mm? Yeah?" I didn't check who was calling me, but I recognized his voice. I had no clue how he'd managed to get his hands on a phone. "Lewis! You gotta come over here! Mike's switching again!" I swallowed the cereal, and responded properly. "R-Really?! I-I'll be over as soon as I can."

I got dressed in some proper clothes, and paused at the door. I turned to the table, and saw my lone bowl of cereal. ". . . Hm."


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