Eat, Puke, And Be Wary

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I am SO glad to be out of that stupid subconscious. 

I can literally only go there if I overdose on caffeine, which I basically never do anymore, or nearly die, which has happened twice so far this month. 

. . . Either way, I never end up feeling good afterwards. There's always some alter managing to get on my last nerve, whether that be Chester's complaining, Manitoba's constant worrying, Svetlana's insecurity, Mike's awkwardness, or Vito's. . . Vito-ness.

I just want to have a rest in today. I definitely deserve it after last week. . .

I nestled further into my bed, finally feeling comfortable for once. . . until I heard someone banging on my trailer door. I groaned, and checked the time, to find that it was five in the morning. 


With a grunt of effort, I hesitantly got out of bed, and dragged myself over to the door. Honestly? I was considering opening it, telling them to fuck off, and getting back into bed. But, since Dad keeps reminding me to keep my reputation off the rocks. . . I didn't actually do that. I opened the door, narrowing my eyes in exhaustion.

". . . What do you want, Cam?" I mumbled out, resisting a yawn. "Me and Zoey need to talk about something, and. . . I was wondering if you wanna come, too." He responded, keeping his voice down. I paused, thinking about how to answer. With a sigh, I shrugged. "You know what? I'm awake now, so. . . sure." "Great! Uh- I mean. . . great. Come on."


"Makin' me climb a tree at five in the morning. . . what kind of job is this. . . ?" I complained quietly, pulling myself up onto the branch where Cam and Zoey were sitting. "When I signed up for a hosting job, I didn't expect it to involve all of this crap. . ." Zoey hummed in thought, and nodded. "Yeah, Cameron, I agree . . . do we have to meet, like, all the way up here?"

He shrugged nervously. "I'm sorry, guys. . . it's the only place it's private." I raised a brow, and turned my head. "What, aside from the immeasurable amount of cameras?" They both blinked, whilst I pointed to the nine cameras focusing on our conversation. "Uh. . . yeah. First order of business! Get rid of Scott." Zoey furrowed her brows. "That jerk's kicked off so many people. Now, it's HIS turn to feel the pain!"

/// Scott ///

"I was out setting snares to catch that annoying shark, but I caught something better. . . two losers. . . and a darn good ally."

/// End ///

"Hm. Maybe I could convince Lightning to join us, and vote off Scott?" Cameron proposed. I shrugged. "Eh. . . he's got the brawn, but not so much the brain. . . which probably means he'll be naive enough to accept." Zoey smiled enthusiastically. "Awesome! Then, it'll be three to one. No chance of a tie. . ."

Just at that moment, the branch underneath us snapped, and whilst Zoey and Cameron both got caught in snares that shot them off somewhere, all I did was fall to the ground, and land on my back, hard, may I mention. Sucking air through my teeth, I sat up, groaning. "Jesus Christ. . ." I overheard Scott talking from beside me. ". . . And host."

I furrowed my brows in annoyance. ". . . Scott." "Lewis, nice of you to drop in." I got straight to the point, not truly caring for his games. "What do you want, Scott?" "You know, I just had a killer idea! Totally up your alley. Here goes - you and me team up, and get me a place in the final three." I scoffed, and folded my arms. "How exactly would I do that?" "Simple! Convince Zoey and Cameron that Lightning's a threat."

In response to this, I laughed, but once I saw his expression, I realize he wasn't joking. "Wait, you're serious?" He frowned, before rolling his eyes at me. "I know we ain't 'best buds', Lou, but you're not exactly a power house. Do you really wanna go head to head with Mr. Mega Jock?" I widened my eyes, hearing him call me 'Lou'.

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