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[3rd Person P.O.V.]


The beeping of machines, obnoxious chatter and heavy footsteps were already enough noise. It didn't help that four members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were also in the room with Lewis.  He had yet a place to live. He was over the legal age of foster care, his mother was out of the country on a world tour, and it was fairly obvious why they wouldn't place him in with Chef.  So, they were using his time at the hospital to their advantage.

Because of the several injuries he had sustained during season four, he had to stay in for a week, or perhaps two, depending on how the whole situation rolled out. It was pretty clear that Lewis was anxious of everyone around him. They were talking amongst themselves, while he had to sit on a bed in nothing but a plain, white t-shirt, and black joggers. 

It was all he was given to wear after his old clothes were taken and burned, due to toxic radiation exposure. Lewis thought that he wasn't at all affected by the mutants and such, but the other federal agents didn't seem to agree with him on that. But, he couldn't find it in himself to believe anything they had to say. After all, they had arrested his dad, and put him in this situation, how could he not?

While the people around Lewis spoke obnoxiously about him, he decided to take out his phone, and scroll mindlessly through his social media. First, there were the endless posts about episode three, four, and seven, which he had found plenty of time to get used to. Also, there were news articles flooding the 'recommended' section, about his dad being taken to court. There were only small mentions of Lewis in said articles, because nothing about his situation had yet been disclosed.

Then, the messages. He had been getting thousands of them in his 'public' inbox, mainly from reporters, crazed fans, and show hosts wanting to know more, since the federal agents refused to tell them anything. He ignored those ones, of course, for he had his mind set on a different group of people. The ones lurking in his 'private' inbox, the ones he had gotten to know from a young age.

"I'm sorry, Lewis. Are you okay? Do you need me to come over?" - Eva

Despite the rest of the cast not being so active, Lewis' team always found some spare time to get in touch with him. Eva and Lewis were practically inseparable. Relationship-wise, anyway. They barely saw each other outside of small hang out sessions whenever they had spare time.

Exhaling gently, he replied to each message from his friends.

"i can handle myself but thanks for thinking of me" - Lewis

"Al is making me write this, but it's genuine, okay? Sorry for nearly killing you. I don't know what I was thinking, so the money probably got in the way. I'm also sorry about all this shit that's going on with you and your dad right now." - Heather

Lewis furrowed his brows. It wasn't much like Heather to apologize, but then again. . . it also was. Depending on who her victim was, though. He wondered why she was associating with Alejandro, after their quite visible rivalry in World Tour, but didn't bring it up.

"its cool dw im chill w/ u. plus its only six mnths at the minimum so dw about me heath" - Lewis

That was all he had been told about the charges in court. It was terrifying at first, but then he realized his dad's lawyers were probably bringing that down to a few months, so there was nothing to worry about.

"i sent like a ton a msgs nd u havnt replyd yet. whre tf r u dude? i hope u dint gt arrsted or sum cuz thatd be prtty bad lol' - Duncan

Duncan was always fairly lazy when it came to making his text messages understandable. True, despite Courtney and Gwen's best efforts, he outright refused to correct his grammar, to, at the minimum, a readable standard. So, only a select group of people could tell what he was actually saying, that main person being Lewis. He usually got sent screenshots from other people receiving messages from Duncan, clueless of what he was saying.

"naahhh. im in a room w/ bunch of feds tho so dont count me lucky" - Lewis

Everyone else was just concerned for his feelings over text, so there was little to no point in repeating the same gist over and over again. After putting his phone back in his pocket, he overheard some people speaking about him. He didn't dare to look up at them, however.

"He's too old for foster care, though, right?"

"What? No, I mean. . . well, he's only just turned eighteen a couple months ago, so. . . maybe they'd still be willing to take him in."

"Yeah, keyword, 'maybe'. It's all up to what the court decides to do after McLean's trial. All we can do right now is make suggestions."

It frustrated Lewis that they didn't even have the respect to refer to his dad with his actual name. Not only that, but he could only imagine how they were treating him in custody. As a matter of fact, Lewis was growing more concerned about Chris, over himself. He remembered what he had said to him before the whole event. He remembered how he told Chris they would be nothing without each other. And, as of current, that was proving to be the case.

This whole ordeal of getting him placed in a safe place for a brief amount of time had dragged out over several hours, and nobody had come up with a singular idea of what exactly to tell the court. The darkness of the night was growing major, and it was clear to the agents they couldn't keep Lewis awake for much longer than they already had.

He was visibly exhausted, which was their main incentive to leave him be. While the rest of the officers had left the room, one remained to deliver the message to Lewis.

"We're gonna come back to this tomorrow, okay? Try to get some rest, I have a feeling you need it."

Lewis hesitated, before nodding, letting the adult leave the room, switching off the room's light as he went. It would be a whole minute of sitting in the dark before Lewis decided to get into his bed properly, and make a (somewhat) pathetic attempt at getting some sleep. 


"What do you mean, a whole year?!" 

Chris argued, pounding his fist on the table, whilst standing up.

"I have a kid to look after! Do you KNOW what this'll do to him?!"

His lawyer wasn't having any of it. Sure, he was hired to defend Chris' case, but he couldn't exactly side with someone who had committed so many cruel acts that he had.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing else I can do."

It was an audibly half-assed apology. They had lost the court case, and that was that. The lawyer had genuinely tried to defend Chris, but the evidence against them proved too strong, and he failed. So, they were sitting in his office, speaking about what was going to happen, moving forward.


Lewis had turned over in his bed at least a thousand times, by now. He just couldn't relax, despite his efforts. He felt as if something was wrong. So, he sat up, glanced around at the dark room, before speaking.


Unfortunately for him, Sierra wasn't there for him, this time. He was alone. With a soft sigh, he laid back down, and thought about what was going to happen, moving forward.


[i didn't wanna stretch this out too long. but, the summary is that lewis has to go through a couple child protection services before eventually finding a place to stay.]

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