Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown

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[i always seem to struggle with this specific episode when it comes to OC stories, so i apologize if it seems much shorter to you guys]


I know this might sound pretty weird, but I had Cameron sleep in my trailer for the week. I mean, he was absolutely terrified of Lightning, and even I could tell it was gonna get violent if they spent even a night alone together. Sure, there was the option of the girls' side of the cabin, but that was pretty demeaning in itself. Obviously, I had him sleeping on the couch, but that was fine with him, as long as Lightning couldn't get him. 



I was walking through the forest with Cameron and Lightning, trying to keep the peace. I don't know about you, but I'd like to have two finalists for a finale. "Poor Zoey. . . she really deserved to make it to the finale." We all stopped, and Lightning raised a brow smugly. "But then, I wouldn't get to beat your sorry butt before I take home the million! Sha-WIN!" He prodded Cameron, pushing him over.

I narrowed my eyes, and knelt down beside Cameron, to make sure that he was okay. He furrowed his brows, and argued back to Lightning. "This isn't over! I may be a little delicate, but I've still got what you athletic types refer to as, 'game'!" Lightning scoffed. "Yeah? Check THIS game!" He picked up a large log, and looked over to Cameron, before bursting out in laughter.

"Lightning's got this in the sha-bag!" I rolled my eyes, but Cameron wasn't giving up. "Perhaps. But, not if the final challenge is of an intellectual nature." He scoffed again. "Tch! As if! Total Drama finales are ALWAYS physical!" Cameron glanced over at me, to see whether Lightning was correct, or not. "Actually, Li-ABILITY, Total Drama season two ended in a strategizing competition where the ex-contestants voted for who they liked better. I don't think the votes will be in your favour."

I spoke loudly, but, oh, boy, Lightning didn't like that. He got in both of our faces, attempting to intimidate us. "Hope you two like juice, 'cause I'm gonna crush you both like grapes!" I got in front of Cameron, and growled at Lightning, very pissed off. "I'd like to see you try, you pussy. . ." However, Cameron was much more terrified than I was.

/// Cameron ///

"Am I worried? No. . . Terrified? Yes! But, um. . . this formerly feeble bubble boy has come a LONG way. If I can beat Lightning. . . then I can do anything!" Lightning yelled from outside the confessional.


Cameron groaned, and put a hand to his head. "If, on the other hand, Lightning beats me savagely, I, at least, have a biologically sterile plastic bubble, in which I can spend the next sixteen years growing my skin back while eating my mom's sandwiches through a straw."


"M-Mom! If you're listening, start pumping the oxygen!"

/// End ///

/// Lewis ///

"God! He's such a little bitch! Why the hell do you think you can beat the fuck outta me, and not get any consequences!? I've been in shit holes like that, Lightning, and let me tell you - I can get myself outta them perfectly fine!"

Revenge Of The Island (Lewis McLean)Where stories live. Discover now