VI - Sarcasm

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(69 views? yall are goin' crazy <33)

(BTW I'm sorry for the REALLY late update, I was extremely busy and I went to Ottawa with my class to see a Broadway show)

(It was really good btw)

Simon 'Ghost' Riley

I stared at Quiet defending that young woman, she seemed so determined to protect that girl. I liked that. When I noticed that all of the bar's attention was focused on her and the scene unfolding before them, I felt a surge of anger filling my veins. That was a weirdass feeling, she's just defending a poor girl that needs protection! Fuckin' hell. I've never felt that before, is it normal?

I sighed and rolled my eyes, quickly taking my gaze back to the masked woman who was shouting out after the old ass man. I couldn't see her face because of how I was seated on my chair in the bar, Price was holding his cigar between his middle and his pointer finger, occasionly taking long drags of smoke. Soap, on his side, he stared at Quiet with a smirk, obviously taking a liking to how it's turning out.

After a good 3 minutes of shouting from Quiet, she came back and sat down at her seat, she took her mocktail in hand and responded to Gaz's question, with a simple sentence that made me think about what she could've possibly went through to be so wise at her age. 

"I'd want someone to protect me from a man if I were at her place."


(Change of POV to Quiet)

Price led us back to the base, the ride was awkwardly silent. I wonder why, hm

That was sarcasm by the way

I avoided everyone's gaze, not by fear but by precaution as I wasn't aware of their actual reaction to me defending that woman, and I couldn't help but notice the Lt's eyes on me, foolowing my every moves. I looked outside the window, observing the night sky. There was no stars that night, a starless night. They're my favorite, those and rainy days. It reminds me of spring days back in Canada, where we would enjoy poutine and tire d'érable at the Cabane à sucre. It was really one of the best times during the whole year. Hiking through the maple trees forests and eating that damn traditional meals, going onto campagne carriage rides or seeing the steps of making maple syrup. 

I missed those moments, but I'm in one of the best Task Force in the UK, not in Quebec. So I'll focus on something else than a land that I've last seen was five years ago. 

The awkward silence was broken by Price's deep old britich man voice "Okay, will you tell us why did you screamed at a man like this, Quiet?" Captain said, his blue eyes never leaving the road as he drove onto the empty highway.

But just before I could answer, Ghost interrupted me and spoke first. "That man was giving a woman unwanted advance, Quiet stood out for the girl" Ghost said in his thick british voice.

I looked at him in disbelief, frowning in confusion and gratefulness for his intervention. My hands gripped each other, forming a fist together. I stared at Price's reflexion in the rear mirror of the jeep, the way his blue eyes subtly threw a gaze at me every 2 minutes. And once I turned my head to see Soap beside me, he was flabbergasted. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head while tilting it forward, gesturing for him to speak further. When Soap understood the 'confusion' in my gaze, he quickly sat back on hit seat, taking a quick glance towards Ghost before turning his head to me, he then whispered.

"Ghost is defending you, that's a new one."

"Why that?" I asked, my eybrow raised as he took a quick glance at Ghost before answering me. As if he wanted to be sure he wasn't listening. But ghosts are everywhere, isn't it? Gaz turned his head away from the front and looked at both of us with a small, like really small smirk.

"Ghost never defend something or someone that doesn't implies himself." He said like the fucking brickwall wasn't right beside Soap, but somehow, Ghost heard 'nothing'. I swear that man is a caliss of a mystery. I found myself fidgeting with a lone string hanging from my dark blue sleeve, it had some small bumbs on it, it was a weird sensation so I removed my hand from the lone thread. As my attention drifted away, I noticed the jeep's doors opening, it brought me right back to the reality and I stepped out of the car. Price was the one holding the door open, his expression was soft and had a V-smile glued on his face, it made me smile a bit under my mask. 

Soap took us inside the base, where he turned the kitchen's lights with the switch that was right beside the doorframe, where I kicked off my black combat boots on the 'welcome' rug. I saw from the corner of my eye that Soap rushed to the fridge to get himself food, so I walked myself back to my new private room. 

Yes, I remember where my room was in this huge base. Because I have a photographic memory, get fucked, idiot.

I stared around the almost completely empty room, where my sketchbook rested on my desk with the pen exactly where I left it before leaving for the bar. My legs guided me to my bed and I collapsed on it as I fell deeply asleep.


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