VII - Training

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(I can't wait to write the first smut chapter :D and it is coming soon!)

3rd POV

Quiet woke up the next day to a knock on her door, a quite rythmic one. Looking at the door with sleepy eyes, she yelled. "Comin'!" Right after this sentence, the masked woman quickly looked around her bed for her prostetic leg. Which she found under the bed quiet faster than she though, it was right where she threw it at before sleeping. Quiet grabbed it by the straps and pulled it onto her 'knee', strapping it tight enough for it to not fall off randomly but loose enough to still be comfortable. She grabbed her uniform and quickly put it on white buttoning the dark-blue pants, before pulling the iconic black gloves over her slender hands.

When Quiet opened the door, Ghost was standing infront of the door, looking at her with the same emotionless eyes. These hypnotizing brown eyes. She frowned and slightly tilted her head forward in respect since he's a higher rank than her. For now.

"Lieutenant, sir." Quiet said with a nod, waiting for him to say why he was right infront of her door. Her eyes lingered on the stitches that kept the skull part glued to his black balaclava, she just realized that she forgot to draw them on the sketches. Letting out a small growl of anger, she looked back down to cross his eyes, while still waiting for him to answer.

"Training's starting in 5, get ready" His nose spoken, british voice broke the uncomfortable silence that, somehow, made Quiet wanting to speak and break this silence. The masked woman nodded, making her long, loose hair fall over her shoulder.

"Copy that, sir" Quiet said and pushed her way out of the room, making her shoulder slightly bump into his own, which made him stumble a bit. Ghost was certainly not used to having a person almost the same height as him, especially not a woman. She made her way to the bathroom where she left her hairties. Quiet started braiding her 30 Inches long hair into one long braid that reached her behind.

Ghost, on the other hand was making his way towards the private bathroom Quiet was currently in. He thought about what he heard after knocking three times on her door, there was a good number of metallic sounds and some thud sounds. She also seemed angry or groggy from the early awakening.

"Hurry up, Private." A shoft gruff escaped his lips, Quiet obliged and finisher her braid faster, it became kind of messy. She ran her hand through her messy curtain bangs and sighed, openeing the bathroom door, where she saw Ghost waiting 'patiently' for her.

"I'm here, Sir." The one inches smaller woman replied, making the long and slightly messy braid sway as she gave him another respectful nod. Slowly but surely, the lieutenant guided her to the training grounds, where Gaz, Soap and Price were waiting at.

"Here they are." Gaz said with a small nod, Quiet returned the gesture before turning back her attention to the captain standing infront of them. He was still wearing his bucket hat, this time Price wore a faded-blue T-shirt, which showed his hairy forearms in a glorious way. The woman waited for his upcoming instructions.

"I don't think you need help with the training, do you?" Soap asked, his heavy scot accents filling Quiet's sharp ears.

"No, she doesn't. That is if you haven't lost muscles since 2019." Price chimed in, as a deep chuckle accompanied the sentence in a lighthearted 'joke'. Quiet smirked a bit, then straightened herself.

"With all I know, I didn't lost my capacities since 2019 in Urzikstan." She responded.

This sentence confused Ghost and Soap, they both frowned eve if the lieutenant's frown was less apparent, it was still there. Soap was the first to break the silence with a simple question.

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