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Jk : I was forgetting things a lot, at first I was forgetting small things like my phone password, forget clean room, my schedule not yesterday when I was coming back home from a shop I forgot the way back home, I kept looking here and there trying to remember in which way my house is ? Thankfully my friend saw me there and took me home without asking anything.

Dr : did this happen ever before?

Jk : no, it didn't but I was feeling like I was forgetting my daily routine. I am taking rest to calm my mind.

Dr. : Mr. Jeon, may I know your birth date please?

Jk : ummm it's I think it's hmmmm (Jungkook was having a hard time remembering it) I am bad remembering dates. (Awkward laugh)

Dr. : it's happening sometimes it's fine. Can you tell what yesterday was like sunday, monday.

Jk : I guess it was like ummm (he again started having difficulties to remember it)

Dr. : it's fine don't think much , we will do some tests when the results will come I will tell you

Jk : it's not a serious right doctor. I am fine? (Pinch of sadness can be heard in his voice) please doctor

Dr. : see Mr. Jeon I can't say anything without saying your reports .

Tape stopped Taehyung's eyes were teary remembering moment when he saw Jungkook out there with a confused face.

Dr : can I play the next one Mr. Kim?

Tae : when was this one?

The doctor looked at the back of the tape recorder and some information was written.

Dr : 21 June

Taehyung closed his eyes and tears slipped from his eyes remembering when he called Jungkook that day when he wasn't there he heard Jungkook wasn't fine. Why didn't he ask again. Why didn't he wait for Jungkook to return that day? Why?

The doctor plays another tape.

Doctor : your report came out in Jungkook.

Jk : it's something bad, I am fine? It's a serious right (Jungkook's voice holds desperation and worries in them)

Doctor : Jungkook you have "Senile dementia" also known as Alzheimer's disease.

Jk : is it serious? I am cureable right? I have many things to do yet. I have told Taehyung "how much I love him". I want to be with him. I will be fine soon right.

Dr. : Mr. Jeon soon you forget who even Taehyung is? Slowly you forget everything, about him, about yourself. You will remember nothing sometimes you will even forget your name. How will I think about someone else.

Jk : Ta-Taehyung m-my lo-love how can I-I  forget him, no I can't I can't.

Dr. : Mr. Jeon we don't even know how long you can live you're thinking about someone else.

Jk : N-no Taehyung how will le-leave

Dr. : please hold yourself Mr. Jeon you need to be strong for the person you love. Please.

Jk : how I can he loves me too how can I, he will hurt I will leave, I can't, I can't leave him.

Dr. : then don't know who is saying that you can live with him. Please calm down first please.

Taehyung was crying hearing Jungkook's sobs in that tape recorder, his love was suffering so much he didn't even know that . He was in his own misery. His bun was hiding more pain than he can even think of.

The doctor passed some water towards him. Taehyung takes a sip before they.

Jk : I have to leave, I can't stay with him. I can't give him pain. He will hurt knowing I forgot him. My Tae will be hurt I can't hurt him. I have to leave.

Dr. : you sure.

Jk : yes, I will leave after a few weeks. I know I am being selfish but I can't I want to live with him before I go.
Taehyung can feel the pain his  bun was going through. Why didn't he understand if he did things will be different. Jungkook will be with him. They both didn't go through so much pain.

Dr. : Mr. Kim please hold yourself.

Tae : No if I had understood Jungkook's emotions, talk to him for his odd behavior maybe all this never happened.

Dr. : I meet many patients on a daily basis. Everyone has regrets like why they didn't do this in the past if or maybe they did this or didn't do that things would be different they won't be suffering. But in the regret of past action all of them letting go there future and past.

Tae : but

Dr. : don't Mr. Kim but, if, maybe are those words with which we made another world of our thoughts which doesn't exist . Don't run for the things which are never gonna come here. Jungkook is here and be with him until he is here.

Tae : how much time does he have?

Dr. : we can't say in most cases of the Alzheimer's disease patients live for about 8 to 10 years In some cases it will be 15 to 20 but if you're really lucky more than that.

Tae : when can I able to meet Jungkook again ?

Dr. We had given him an injection after he had a panic attack. He will wake up like tomorrow or tonight.

Tae : can I stay here.

Dr. : well, sure you can you need to fill some formalities than you can.

Tae : thank you doctor.

Taehyung came out of the doctor's cabin after their conversations. He felt so tired and helpless right now.

Tae : did Jungkook really thought he will be a burden on me. (Tear slip from his eyes)

He was blaming himself too, why he can't understand Jungkook he always did understand him without him saying anything then why not that time when Jungkook needed him the most.

Why didn't he try to talk more to Jungkook say him again and again when he feels like something is wrong with Jungkook . why? His mind is completely messed up.

He was sitting there and the snow was falling, when he felt someone put an umbrella on his head. It's a cute little girl.

She smiles at Taehyung. Taehyung tries to smile too. She wiped his tears with her tiny hands.

Girl : did your grandpa also don't remember you?

Tae : huh?

Girl : I came here to meet my grandpa but he said he doesn't remember who I am. Hump. I know he is doing this so he doesn't have to buy me a gift.

Tae : someone I love so much he doesn't remember me.

Girl : did he also have to give you a gift?

Tae : no, but if he remembers me it will be the biggest gift for me

Girl : he will I will pray he will. My grandpa says if you pray with faith god me listen. I have faith he will remember you.

Tae : thank you dear.

He smiles at her after so long he smiles for real.

Tae : he will remember me? Really?

Girl : yesh, will make him you if he loves you he will remember you.

She said enthusiastic and smile at Taehyung who smile back to him. Smile of genuineness.

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Series's end is knocking. I will miss it.

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