Leave My Son Alone

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By : InShinsouHitoshis_Pants
Source : AO3

Chapter 1

"What are you drawing there? I told you to fucking do your Homework!"
Toji grunted, looking over his shoulder. His useless Omega son had a hard time focusing and was slipping into doodling again instead of doing his math exercises.

Megumi quickly threw his hands over his papers so his daddy couldn't see what he was writing there.
But Toji wasn't stupid, he reached his hand over Megumi's shoulder and ripped the paper from underneath Megumi's weak hands.

"What the heck is that?!"
Toji scoffed, eyeing all the little hearts that Megumi had drawn all over the paper and the "Gojo-Sensei" written in a very big heart on the backside.
"Please, Daddy! Stop that, give it back. Mind your own business!"
Megumi hissed and tried to rip his Math exercise out of his dads hands again.
But Toji turned around and kept staring at it, easily dodging his weak son's useless attempts to fight his father for his embarrassing love confession.

"Isn't he your teacher?"
The Alpha scoffed, raising his eyebrow towards his son in a mocking expression.

The Omega started to blush and tried even more desperately to get his fathers hands off of his exercises.
"What is he, an Alpha or a Beta?" Toji continued to ask, enjoying the flaring embarrassment and humiliation of his teenage son as he continued to read what Megumi had written on his math homework.

"I... I don't really know, he never told us."
Megumi muttered as he jumped up to rip his homework out of his fathers hands, of course without success.

"Hm, seems like I really have to go to this parent teacher conference to meet this Guy in person and see what the Teacher looks like my son has a crush on! Seems like you cannot even trust Teachers today to not take advantage of the weak."

Toji grunted out and finally threw the homework to the ground for Megumi to pick it up.

"No! Please, Daddy don't! Don't go there. I told him you had to work today and can't come."
The dark haired Omega pleaded with his father, but it was too late, he already walked into his bedroom to get dressed.

"Can I come with you then at least, please? I don't want you to go alone."
Megumi knocked onto his door in devastation, scared of what his father might tell his Teacher when they were alone. Toji had never gone to any school appointments of his son, so he had no Idea how this worked, Megumi always took care of everything himself.

Then the door opened and his Father came out again, wearing dark suit pants and a tight black Shirt with the first two Buttons open, showing off his muscular Alpha Body.

"Yeah, you can watch how I will destroy the man my son has an inappropriate crush on. This fucking Alpha who manipulates his Omega students will be thought a lesson today."

"D-Dad! You can't do that! Gojo-Sensei did nothing wrong, please!"
Megumi shrieked in panic, running after his father who made his way to his car, grabbing the Keys from the kitchen counter.

"I decide what I can and cannot do, Megumi. You want to come, then come, but don't stand in my way."

The dark haired Omega bit on his lower lip and walked after his father in silence, afraid to anger him even more than he already had.
Fuck! He never should have seen his silly doodles, why was he such a fucking Idiot.
He was sixteen, Boys his age didn't do this. Writing the name of their crush down in a pile of pink hearts was for girls, why had he been so stupid?
Why did he have to fall in love with his damn teacher?
But Gojo Sensei was just so cool. He was strong, so fucking strong and his soul baring, bright blue eyes pulled Megumi in like a moth to a flame, so how could his Omega resist such an amazing man.
Every day that Megumi saw his Teacher in school, he knew he didn't have to worry about a thing and that everything would be okay, because Gojo Sensei was there for him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 11 ⏰

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Toji x Gojo Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ