Episode 14: Y/n Burnedead and Schools Raid.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts as Ryuko wakes up.

Ryuko: Senketsu!

Aikuro: Good grief. How many times am I going to have to tend you after you've passed out?

He says as Ryuko just spots him ans that she's in his room.

Aikuro: How about changing careers and becoming a Nudist like me?

He says as he earns a punch from y/n.

Y/n: Can you stop with that Pedo teacher.

Aikuro: It was a joke. Besides ryuko who took you out?

Ryuko: It was Nui Harime. Nagita was Nui.

Y/n: I knew he was giving weird vibes.

Aikuro: Oh, so that's what happened.

Ryuko: You found me unconscious, dressed like this?

Aikuro: No, y/n brought you here. And he wasn't happy. But i thought he would just take you home.

Y/n: It was better to bring her here. If you don't like it we can just leave.

Aikuro: Snippy, aren't you two?

Ryuko: Of course I am. I... I lost senketsu.

Y/n: And I couldn't do anything to save him or Satsuki would kill ryuko.

Ryuko: What do you mean?

Y/n: After Satsuki startle Nui. She gave me a choice she would either take Senketsu's parts or your life.

Ryuko: I see. I was weak and couldn't summon up any of hid power, either, and he got shredded...

Just then Senketsu spoke.

Senketsu: I haven't been lost!

As Ryuko points her scissor blade at Aikuro.

Ryuko: If you try any lame impressions, I mean it, i'm going to kill you.

Aikuro: Hey, cut me some slack. I'm not doing anything.

Senketsu: Ryuko, calm yourself.

Ryuko: See, you're doing it again!

Y/n: Ryuko, I have him right here.

He says as he pulls out senketsu part that is eye giving it to Ryuko.

Ryuko: Senketsu, you're alive?! What a relief!

Senketsu: Only because you held on to me so tightly.

Ryuko: I see.

Y/n: So our next mission is to get him back from Satsuki's hands.

He says as Ryuko nods and with next scene she's now clothes as she has Senketsu on her neck while she's starting motorcycle.

Ryuko: Get in y/n. You need to have energy for battle.

Y/n: 'kay.

He says as he sits behind ryuko as they drive towards Kansai. While Aikuro just stands behind as Mataro shows up.

Mataro: Huh? What're doing here, Mr. Mikisugi?

Aikuro: Unfortunately, I'm no longer a teacher. The time has now come. Today, I bid farewell to my cover identity as the homeroom teacher for Honnouji Academy's Second Year, Class K. Today, I return to being my unadorned self!

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