The Decision

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It had been a week since that night.

Her parents were anxiously waiting for the August full moon. It was decided that if she actually transformed and was a werewolf, she would be sent off to Hogwarts, and would live with her brother permanently.

If not, life would carry out like usual.

She had no idea why her parents were being so open to sending her away to the one place their family had forbidden for years. Hogwarts was seen as a place of foolishness and unnecessary. Why were they so willing to let her go to her brothers home as well. There had to be a twist.

An anxious atmosphere filled the house over the last week. Like tension in a balloon waiting to pop. And tonight, boy would that pop come.

Yvette hoped with all her heart that she was a werewolf. Never in her life would she think she'd be wishing for such a thing. But going to Hogwarts, living with her brother Delmar. It seemed like paradise compared to her actual life.

The irony made her smile. My knight in shining armour came in the form of a hairy and cruel werewolf. She thought, amused with how her fairytale had turned out.

Her parents had been ignoring her presence ever since that night. She sighed and swung her feet out of bed. Her father was too ashamed and disgusted that he dared touch her.

It was one thing to have his son run away with a creature. But now his daughter was one.

She wore her black dressing gown. She stumbled down the steps not nearly as careful as she usually was. Her mother walked straight past her. Shoving into Yvette's shoulder on the way.

She rubbed her boney shoulder before accepting the plate of plain toast from the eager house elf. "Thank you." She mumbled quietly. No matter how exhausted she was, she would never be impolite. A trait enforced on her by her parents.

Tonight was the night. The night that would decide everything. The past week she had been spending her time in the library. Reading countless of books on lycanthropy. She'd learnt it's an incredibly painful experience and she wouldn't have control over her wolf self.

She wondered, how am i going to live
at Hogwarts, if i'm a werewolf?

The prejudice behind these creatures was severe. From what she had researched, no child with lycanthropy had ever gone to Hogwarts.

The time was now 1:30 and she'd spent most of her morning in the library. "Madame Yvette is summoned by Mistress Scarlet." The house elf squirmed, shuffling his feet. It's obvious the house elves had been told about her recent condition.

"Thank you, for everything." She gave the little creature a warm smile and a hug. When her parents didn't give her a second look, this elf would sing her lullaby's, and feed her treats. It was like a parent to Yvette.

She walked down that same familiar hallway and was met with her 2nd eldest brothers portrait. So perfect. She thought. After the ball her brother showed his true colours. He stuck up his nose and never spoke to her again.

She reached the living room before meeting cold black eyes.

"Your friend Sirius sent you a letter." She stared down her only daughter before continuing.

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