Chapter 1: Purple

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I'll start by saying that this is not beta-read. If you notice mistakes, it's because I didn't go back and catch them so I apologize for that. I hope this is still an enjoyable read for yall. The title of this fic may be prone to change in the future, just thought I'd let ya know.

Just a little info that doesn't really affect the fic: Abilities and Quirks are not the same here. It'll be explained in more detail later on. Yokohama is, like all other BSD and BNHA fics, closed off to heroes although there is no physical barrier. The 'vibes' and the Quirkless population is what keeps them out I guess. The Port Mafia keeps Villains out anyway.

This will take place after season 3 of BSD but I won't dive into the manga (season 4 hype is real though xD). For BNHA, you'll just have to see.

I'll also apologize if I make the characters OOC. I'll try to keep them true to their canon selves as much as I can. Though there are a few things that I changed about a certain character as you'll see. My 'creative liberties' if you could call it that.

Anyways, thanks for checking this out and I hope you'll enjoy!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
"If you're saying that Midoriya's Quirk is like All Might's, then what about Kenji-kun?"

Kirishima stared at the said boy with awe in his eyes. "Kenji does also have a strength enhancement Quirk and it doesn't hurt him at all!"

All eyes turned to look at the smiling blonde who could only look at each classmate speaking. His 'Quirk' is like All Might's, huh?

"I'm not as strong as All Might though," Kenji told his curious classmates. His eyes quickly flitted to Midoriya's before looking around once more. "Besides, I can't use it in the rain! All Might doesn't have any limitations like me."

"That is true..."

Contrary to popular belief, Kenji is capable of lying. He doesn't like doing so, but if he's going to complete this job, he'll have to bend the truth a few times.

"A request from UA?"

Fukuzawa shook his head. "Not exactly from UA itself." He nodded at Kunikida to continue with the documents in his hands.

Nodding, Kunikida began to explain. "We received an anonymous tip from somewhere in Musutafu. The tip said that a group of villains plan on sending a student as a spy for them. That is all the information given, and we were unable to trace the person who sent it to begin with."

"But Musutafu?" Tanizaki asked curiously. "I thought we didn't take requests from outside of Yokohama?"

Kunikida turned to the president to continue. He, too, had had the same concerns when Fukuzawa had first called him into the office, so he'll allow him to explain fully.

"The outside Villains are only concerned about heroes." Making sure all eyes were on him, he continued. "Our city is protected by the fact that the majority of its population is 'Quirkless', and the only ones to care for their safety are us Ability users."

"Well, yes, but how does it affect us now?" Atsushi asked. Kyouka nodded beside him.

"Should the infiltration of UA be successful, the negative effects on hero society will not only spread in Musutafu, but it will spread throughout all of Japan, Yokohama included." Eyes turned to the bored detective who looked like he would rather be anywhere but here at the moment.

"How can we trust this tip to be true though?" Yosano piped up with the wave of her hand. "Our specialists were unable to trace the sender, and this wouldn't be the first time Villains who knew of our Abilities attempted to lure us out of Yokohama."

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