Chapter 5: Yellow-Black

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working on final projects. wish me luck y'all :'D
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Getting into the school system to see which agency Yellow-Black had submitted for his internship wasn't a difficult task. The only thing difficult about it was that the guy had decided to turn it in on the second day, the day of the deadline. Kenji had to run to the bathroom to get Tanizaki to sign the guardian's line giving the students permission to go as soon as the agency sent him the necessary information. After that, Kenji will sit back and wait until their class chatter brings him back into the conversation.

"Who did you end up choosing to intern for, Miyazawa-kun?"

Kenji's eyes sparkled at being included. "I applied to Shishido-san's agency and got accepted!"

From the corner of his eyes, Kenji saw Kaminari lift his head from his phone. He was listening all right.

"That's so cool!"

It was Friday, the day after every student was told whether they got accepted for their top choice internship or got a substitute, and they were all waiting for Aizawa to crawl through the door and tell them what they are expected to follow as well as what to pack for those going a little further out.

Basic class stuff that Kenji is not excited to write down on his report later. He's still being cautious about how he'll approach Yellow-Black which is why he hasn't made any significant moves yet. Tanizaki offered to follow the blonde student, but after tailing him one day in the school halls, Tanizaki decided that constantly weaving through other students and hiding in lockers was not how he wanted to spend his days undercover. Kenji didn't blame him.

So now Kenji has to impatiently sit through the class like any ordinary schoolboy and take diligent notes in his journal while keeping tabs on the students he could see, and that included the class rep who sat next to him. He was unusually stiff.

He's going to get himself into trouble, Kenji sighed to himself. This was another troublesome part about the heroes outside of Yokohama; they lacked awareness. They rely too much on their Quirks and school brains to actually think from a smart villain's perspective. All they know are villains who unashamedly commit crimes to make a name for themselves; the strategic ones know when to catch pro-heroes off-guard.

Oh, well. Nothing Kenji can do for the blue-haired teenager. He spoke to him towards the beginning of the school year; he knows Iida is going to do something to avenge his brother. Kenji would do the same if something similar were to happen in Yokohama and Yosano wasn't able to save them.

Kenji shook his head. It's precisely because he's from Yokohama that that way of thinking is okay. Anything goes in that morally grey city. Out here, Iida will only get himself killed, and for what? With his parents in retirement and his brother in the hospital, no one would avenge him . His death would be all in vain and bring unnecessary harm to others.

"City heroes can be stupid, too, huh," Kenji mumbled under his breath. The students surrounding him slightly turned their heads to try to see if he would repeat himself. He knows he didn't say it loud enough for them to understand, but somehow Kenji feels like Aizawa heard him. He wouldn't have rolled his eyes and not commented on his disruption otherwise.

"Make sure you listen to your seniors and stay out of trouble. I don't want twenty phone calls during my week free from all of you."

"You got it, Aizawa-sensei!"

At that moment, everyone started heading in the direction of their trains. Loud, excited chatter filled their area of the station as everyone talked about what they were expecting once they arrived at their internship. Kaminari and Kenji were some of the chattiest.

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