Chapter 18: Ability User

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I guess canon-typical violence?
Also, there is quite a bit of paraphrasing and dialogue directly from the show, just letting ya know ^^"
Chapter Text
Aizawa usually would not be worried about the licensing exams.

"Woah! Eraserhead worried about his students? Shocking!"

Aizawa further hid into his capture scarf in annoyance and in an attempt to hide his expression. "I'm not worried at all. They should pass just fine." Except he is worried. For one student in particular.

Since hearing of Nedzu's specific instruction to not move to arrest their Yokohama student, Aizawa had started to have his suspicions. From the beginning, he knew that Nedzu was suspecting him of working for Villains, and that was solidified when it was suggested there might be a traitor amongst the students after the training camp attack. However, with the whole Yokohama news following after the slandering from the Hero Commission, Aizawa began to question how much Nedzu knew and wasn't telling them.

That's why, a few days ago, while watching his students train from the sidelines, he made sure there were absolutely no obstructions to using his Quirk on the one student Nedzu had taken a special interest in. And he was beyond surprised to find the results. Surprised, devastated, in denial, and finally accepted in the span of a few minutes.

Now Aizawa knows for sure that Miyazawa Kenji is not an ordinary Quirked student. He was an Ability user. And he has yet to report it to anyone.

" I'm supposed to know a Miyazawa?" The boy hanging upside down and tangled in his capture gear grunted out as he tried to free himself.

Aizawa simply hummed, having gotten himself comfortable on a boulder a few feet away from the student with his arms crossed. "You worked with him during the Sports Festival. Surely you'd remember the names of your potential future classmates?"

The boy was silent for a few seconds before muttering, "...I'm not going there to make friends." Aizawa sighed.

Maybe asking someone who didn't know the Ability student very well was not a good idea. Especially since the Pro-Hero's career depended on this decision.

Before Aizawa could tell Shinsou to forget it and continue training him like he had agreed to do, the boy surprised him when he responded.

"He's... a nice guy." This was followed by a loud thump that had Aizawa looking at the mess of cloth and limbs on the ground. Although it definitely looked and sounded like that fall hurt, Shinsou proceeded to sit up and continue speaking. "He's the first guy who talked to me like a normal person despite deducing what my Quirk is."

Aizawa raised a brow that Shinsou didn't take notice immediately. "You're surrounded by people who don't judge you for your Quirk."

"That was after my Quirk was revealed at the Sports Fest," Shinsou rolled his eyes. "I'd never told anyone in UA what it was until that day. And that guy still treated me like an equal. He... he even said I was cool ." Chuckling lightly, Shinsou stood up, a distant look in his eyes as he remembered that day. Realizing he was probably being too honest, he quickly frowned and added, "but just like all the others, he thinks pretty highly of himself."

Considering Aizawa has seen his student for about four months, it is safe to say he doesn't entirely understand what Shinsou is meaning by that. Perhaps it's the way the student finally catches his raised eyebrow that he realizes his confusion.

"You know, those fortunate enough to be born with a strong Quirk. The ones who hardly have to put in any effort into making it far in life."

"I don't think I quite follow. What gave you the impression that he thinks that way?"

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