Chapter 13: Blue

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chapter warning : swearing (if there are other triggers/warnings that i should include, please let me know!)

also, no Kenji this time.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Snow isn't typically something that you see during the summer months, and especially not inside of whatever building they were in.

"Open up, brat," Snow demanded after raising the spoon to the explosive blonde's mouth. As expected, Crimson only bit his lips tighter.

"Just shove it in. He can't do anything the way he is now," Tanizaki heard from behind him. It was Dabi. Tanizaki 'tsked' before standing from his crouching position.

"Then you do it." Dabi's scowl deepened as he shoved the bowl right back. Tanizaki raised a brow in a challenging gesture. "'He can't do anything the way he is now.' Afraid he'll still bite?"

"Snow, Dabi, please calm down," Kurogiri finally decided to step in the middle of the glaring contest. Neither wanted to back down, but the increasing scratching of their leader's nails had them listen reluctantly. Kurogiri then turned back to Bakugou.

"You must eat something, at the very least. Your hunger strike will not benefit anyone."

"That's the point," Tanizaki muttered as he made his way over to the brightly lit corner of the bar. They had gathered many power strips and spare lamps to illuminate this one corner, and even then Tanizaki was still concerned about the second boy managing to overcome his weakness to attack them.

Of course, Tanizaki had to remind himself that the boy seated on the floor had been subjected to this kind of 'torture' as a child and was too stiff to attempt anything. He still checked on the ropes tying his arms and legs together. Just in case.

"You're not going to last if you keep this up," Tanizaki mumbled so softly as to prevent the other adults in the room from hearing. He lifted the same spoon he tried to use for Bakugou in front of the beaked face. Tokoyami was actually staring at his captors in silent rage as he kept his beak tightly shut as well. In a louder and more annoyed tone, Snow said, "These kids don't like your home cooking. I wonder why!"

Toga giggled into her sleeves. "Kurogiri-san, your hard work has gone to waste! Why not drain them clean and throw them to the streets already?"

"Of course, they're not going to trust what you feed them," Dabi said monotonously. Snow struggled to keep his composure as he kept chasing Tokoyami's beak to at least get him to smell the food and reconsider his hunger strike.

A few loud footsteps later, and Dabi was crouching next to Tanizaki, his hands reaching for Tokoyami's head to prevent him from moving and prying open his beak. Tanizaki's eyes widened at the violence, and against his better judgment, he dropped his bowl to the side to pull Dabi's hands off of him.

Once Tanizaki successfully pushed Dabi away from the student, he muttered a string of curses at the spilled contents on the floor.

"Look what you've done, you old man!"

"What have I done? You're the one who's being too soft on these kids," Dabi scoffed. He straightened back up and stared down at Tanizaki with crossed arms. "I thought you hated the hero society?"

"I do," Tanizaki replied while trying to clean up the mess. The bowl thankfully still had some of the meat and broth left to feed the two students. "But we're supposed to treat them as equals. I'm not being 'soft' because I want to."

"Snow is right," Kurogiri nodded. "We must not bring the students any harm."

Dabi did not look pleased. "You're really not going to question this guy's stance on this shit? He's clearly not like the rest of us." Dabi spun in a full circle to look at the people standing in the room with him. Mr. Compress, Spinner and Magne were missing because of their 'civilian' lives, which left Twice, Toga, Kurogiri, Shigaraki, and the two restrained students witnessing the animosity between Snow and Dabi. He huffed when nobody seemed to pay him any special attention. "So nobody aside from myself is concerned about him betraying us. Perfect!"

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