Chapter 16: Dorms

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tw : mentions and brief talk of eating disorder ( starts at , "Well, it's less about his school..." and ends at the line cut off )
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
"Stop clearing your throat. This is another student and his guardian we are visiting," Aizawa sighed in annoyance towards his companion. All Might placed a hand over his throat as he coughed once more at the comment.

"Right. Just Young Fukuzawa."

Aizawa looked up from the papers he was flipping through and narrowed his eyes at the teacher standing next to him in front of the gates to the apartment building. All Might was very obviously tense no matter what he said.

It was no secret that the former number one and the principal had had conversations regarding Kenji's affiliation with Ability users, and after the press conference the previous day, it was no surprise that doubt would start to rise in the papers. However, despite the negative comments being made towards the Hero Commission, their orders to the Heroes were to carry out arrests as usual. Regardless of media coverage.

Opposing the Commission's orders, however, were Nedzu's own orders to not do anything against their suspected Ability user student. As far as they are aware, the Commission has not been made known of the student in their database, and if the school were to carry out the arrest and he turned out to  not  be an Ability user, they were going to be facing a few legal battles from both the Fukuzawa's and the school program that helped him get his education outside of his country of origin. UA was already in a bad spot with the recent Villain attacks and callout from the nation a train ride away. They didn't need more issues with their discriminatory practices.

Aizawa turned back to the sheets he held and reviewed them as they walked to the apartment that was listed on his file. Nedzu had instructed them to go to each of their students' homes to speak to their parents about the dorm situation, and now it shouldn't be any different. Well, to Aizawa it wasn't any different. The Hero next to him was more hesitant.

It was just going to be another home visit. Nothing more and nothing less.

Once they were standing in front of the apartment listed on the file, Aizawa knocked. The two Heroes stood back quietly, both waiting to hear the padding of feet making their way to the door. Soon enough, the door was opened to reveal a ginger who neither of the teachers had seen before.

"Uh, hello. Can I help you?" From the crack he had opened to peer out, the teachers could only see half of his face while most of his body was hidden behind the door. He held a slight frown with downcast eyes, and the way his fingers held onto the door in a tense manner let the teachers know just how nervous he was of their presence. The Heroes would have differing suspicions as to why he must be nervous.

"Good afternoon, Fukuzawa-san," Aizawa began in a calm tone, hoping to ease the man's nerves with his voice alone. "My name is Aizawa Shota, and I am Miyazawa's homeroom teacher." The word 'teacher' seemed to have made the male relax a bit.

"I'm All Might, also a teacher to the Young Fukuzawa," All Might introduced himself as well with a slight bow despite his arm brace. As soon as he lifted his head, he gestured inside. "May we come in and speak with you? UA is implementing a new policy that we would like to discuss."

Whatever suspicion All Might had against the timid ginger, Aizawa did not miss the shock in his eyes when the door was opened wide enough to allow them in. In fact, he seemed appalled that he was smiling at the teachers. He looked beyond exhausted if the bags underneath his eyes were to say something but having the Heroes' presence seemed to lift some of his worries.

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