Chapter 8

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a little late, but it's here
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
A few days prior...

The small principal looked at the email on his computer, trying to understand why there was an order to teach about Yokohama already. The students were still learning to fight with their Quirks and they had just come back from their internships. What was so significant now about that isolated city that warranted such a demand from the Hero Commission?

The only recent event that Nedzu could think about was the Hero Killer's arrest two days before the email. He makes it a habit to be in his office every day in case of emergencies from his teachers, but he was surprised to turn on his computer that Saturday morning and find the important-looking email sitting at the top of his screen.

Although the message itself was plain and didn't offer further explanation, anything sent from the Hero Commission is as good as an order. UA is Nedzu's school, but the Heroes are controlled by the Commission.

Nedzu pulled up news sites that talked about the Hero Killer's arrest as well as the reports explaining how three of his students were involved. Nedzu knows his students were the ones to engage the Villain based on the injuries reported. He won't pry since this was one of those situations where he agrees that covering up the actual events is necessary. Even if Nedzu doesn't entirely agree with the protocols sometimes.

The videos uploaded on news channels seemed to point to the Hero Killer and the League of Villains working together, and if that is the case, Nedzu knows it will become an even bigger problem down the road. That's why he thinks his students should focus on getting stronger and perfecting fighting strategies. If the League of Villains gets bigger because of the Hero Killer, he doesn't want his students to be pummeled into nothingness.

This still doesn't explain what connection Nedzu is supposed to see with Yokohama. He may be overthinking things, but there is no logical explanation for the Commission to suddenly want to change the course curriculum three months into the school year. Especially when the students are supposed to be getting ready for final exams.

"The Hero Killer: Stain was involved with the League of Villains, and now the Commission wants the students to learn about Yokohama," Nedzu said aloud to himself as he tried to piece it together. "Not even three days after his arrest and videos are circulating the internet that praises his ideologies. Something big has to be happening with Yokohama for the Commission to deem it more important than taking down these videos or making sure the students aren't getting strange ideas..."

The conclusion Nedzu came to is merely a hunch. With no conclusive evidence, he can't say for certain that the League had connections with any Ability users in Yokohama. That was the only reason the students even learned about that city in the first place.

Humming a random tune, Nedzu turns back to his computer and types away on the UA portal. He doesn't need to click for long before he pulls up the student rosters. More specifically, he clicked on class 1-A's student files. If he remembered correctly...

"Aha!" With a dramatic click, the screen opens to the smiling face of a freckled blonde student's profile. Looking at the information besides his picture, Nedzu releases a curious hum. That's right. They accepted a Yokohama student. "Kenji Miyazawa-Fukuzawa."

There wasn't anything that stood out in particular about the boy. From what Nedzu had been able to see at the Sports Festival and his gradebook, he was nothing impressive. He had a strong Quirk, yes, with an odd limitation and weak grades that barely kept him passing. Though Nedzu had to admit that his schooling and family history stuck out from the rest of his students. He was only adopted a couple of months before taking the entrance exam and had been homeschooled.

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