Chapter 12: Teal

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Here's a color guide for those of you who need a refresher!

White = Shoji
Sugar = Sato
Blue = Iida
Purple = Jirou
Red = Kirishima
Pink = Mina
Orange = Sero
Tan = Ojiro
Froppy (previously Green1) = Tsuyu
Yellow-Black = Kaminari
Black = Tokoyami
Crimson = Bakugou
Green = Midoriya
Peppermint = Todoroki

I think that's all we've had so far, but if I forgot someone who has already been introduced, do let me know!

otherwise I hope you enjoy :)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Fifteen unconscious.

Eleven with minor or major injuries.

Twelve uninjured.

And two missing. Pretty high casualty numbers for a heroics school.

"Junichirou-san," Kenji muttered tiredly. "Can I go see my friends at the hospital now?"

Tanizaki sighed dramatically, setting aside the knife he was using to cut the fruit. "I don't have a method to transport you there safely. Please let your teachers at least contact me to say it's somewhat safe to walk that distance."

Kenji groaned, further burying his face into the small table in their living room. "Even if they say that, you're not going to let me out of your sight." Tanizaki simply hummed as he resumed his task.

The small TV in the living room was showing a news station about the horrible events that occurred during the training camp. So far, there was nothing that would pacify an older brother's worries, and there wasn't a single news channel that Kenji could find that wasn't talking about the failure that was UA. Kenji gave up and didn't bother shutting off the television, having it loud enough that whatever listening devices were set in the apartment would filter out the uncharacteristic tones in their words.

Sitting in front of Kenji's head was a local newspaper with the kidnappings already printed. Criticisms were already thrown UA's way with the announcement of the attack, but to hear that not only one but  two  students were kidnapped in the chaos? Kenji's surprised there wasn't more backlash to be honest.

Kenji's eyes were eyeing the newspaper boredly when Tanizaki snatched the newspaper and held it up, turning the front page away from the startled teenager.

"Stop looking at this," Tanizaki lightly scolded. He crumpled the newspaper in one hand, his other hand being occupied holding a bowl filled with fruit and covered in a plastic wrap. "You're only going to depress yourself more."

"I was there, nii-san," Kenji whined. "I watched them get taken."

"And there was nothing you could do about it, right?" Kenji remained silent. Because they weren't sure if there were also hidden cameras, the two detectives did their best to keep neutral expressions. Tanizaki sighed. "Here."

Kenji blinked in surprise at the bowl being offered to him. There were various fruits in the mix with melon being the most prominent type. Kenji looked up at Tanizaki in question. Tanizaki smiled sadly. "You said you want to go see your friends, didn't you?"

Kenji's eyes lit up in excitement. In an instant, he was on his feet and putting his shoes on (something he still finds very uncomfortable despite wearing them for a few months now). Tanizaki could only stare at him in fond exasperation as he waited by the door for the blonde to finish throwing his bag on, the bowl waiting patiently in his hands.

Once Kenji stood up straight and reached for the bowl, Tanizaki stopped him by ruffling his hair. "Be careful, okay? Dad didn't send us out here to get caught up in villain attacks."

This Color Ain't Itحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن