Chapter 17: Food

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TW : talk about eating disorder ( from the little research I did for this purpose and if I am incorrect in the way it is handled here, please do let me know ) , swearing (Bakugou)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
"Still haven't upgraded your Hero costume?" Kenji hears to his left. He briefly looks over his shoulder to see Kaminari and releases a small smile.

"My only limitations are mobility, and my 'costume' is flexible enough, so I think I'm fine," he replied. To his right, he feels another one of his friends approach with a tired sigh.

"I still haven't been able to create an Ultimate Move that Ectoplasm-sensei approves of!" Mina whined.

The students were exiting Gym Gamma after training all morning, and the air was filled with excited and exhausted chatter. Everyone was heading for the locker rooms despite some complaints about wanting to train more. Kenji shook his head at these complaints.

It was their fourth day training their Quirks to formulate their 'Ultimate Moves', and even though they are required to have at least two before the provisional licensing exam, Kenji is yet to think of one. The other students who are complaining about not having one that is approved of are whining about their name choices not being allowed. Otherwise, they do have their moves. They're just working on names.

Kenji, on the other hand, has not been able to create a move that is approved by their teacher. All the freckled boy has known is to attack after an unsuccessful civil talk, and not yell out his next move for the enemy to prepare themselves.

"The enemy will not sit around patiently for you to talk sense into them," Ectoplasm had told Kenji that first day. "If you do not throw the first attack, they will do so and use your light-heartedness to their advantage. Weaken first, talk later."

Kenji wanted to laugh. Everyone in Yokohama, or most people anyway, knows better than to attack him senselessly. He doesn't like taking out his anger on anybody if he can help it.


...if he can help it.

Kenji tucked his straw hat into the cases provided by the school and shoved the box back into its slot. Without acknowledging his classmates' voice, he turned to walk out, humming a tune he had heard on the radio as he skipped out. He can't get angry. They're all kids. He's on a mission. He can't let his anger compromise everything.

Before he could fully exit, Kirishima's hand grabbed his shoulder, pulling him to a light stop. Kenji looked at him curiously. Kirishima held an excited, yet slightly confused, grin. "Where are you going? The class is going to prepare lunch together in a bit."

"To further our bond as a class!" Blue said enthusiastically. Kenji had to hold back a sigh.

"I'm going to see Aizawa-sensei. I still haven't come up with an Ultimate Move, you see? And the license exam is less than a week away. I'm going to ask a pro for advice." Seeing his dedication to his classwork, he was let go without further fuss. Well, Blue might have said something more, but Kenji didn't listen.

He skipped through the empty halls, filling the silence with his light humming and listening out for potential followers. Satisfied that nobody was following him, he stopped taking detours and walked to the place he was instructed to come to at least twice a week: the nurse's office.

As soon as he slid the door open, Kenji's neutral smile stretched into his welcoming grin. "I'm here, Recovery Girl-sensei!"

Recovery Girl responded by throwing an eraser cap at his forehead. She gave him a light glare. "Be quiet while in my office. I could have other students resting here for all you know."

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