A Dream of Doom

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“Where am I?” I say.  I see nothing but rocks and trees, am I on a cliff edge? Wait I remember falling asleep… is this another dream?

“Come on Alex we are going to be late for class” a girl's Voice shouts

“I'm coming Liz just watching the pidgy,  something has them spooked!” I shout back as I look up and see a pair of vulpix looking back at me one is pure white with fur the color of fresh snow. She is the one who had just spoken

The other vulpix giggles and says “he's just putting off getting to school because  he forgot his assignment” 

I groan loudly Which sounds more like a growl “ I couldn't concentrate on some boring history reading when I could be out there playing amber” I say to the vulpix with fur that looks like it could be made out of fire. Wait How do I know their names? I don't know these two. Do I? I'm lost in thought when my ears perk up. “What does that sound like? Sounds like a herd of tauros” I say 

“It was probably Liz's stomach,” Amber says with another laugh

“Hey! My stomach  isn't that loud!” Liz says

I stop walking and above the sound of the sister's playful squabble, I hear the rumbling intensify. With a growing sense of dread, I realize what's happening.  “Rockslide!” I yell out in warning but the girls don't appear to have heard me so I take off as quick as my paws can take me. 

I look up and see the rocks coming down the ridge nearly on top of my friends.  With no more time to think it through I slam my friends using my size to shove them clear of the slide. Rocks begin slamming all around me and block my path away

“Be safe and live!” I shout as the path below my paws crumbles into dust and I fall

“No!” I hear both screams as all becomes light and blinding pain.

I bolt upright in bed clutching my heart and with my morning alarm sounding like a siren. 

why do I keep having that dream? Why is it getting more… real? 

“Alex time to get ready for school!” I hear my foster mom yell From downstairs 

With a groan that sounds like the growl dream Me gave I stand up and start getting dressed for school.

Pokémon mystery dungeon Seeds of Calamity حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن