ch 12 Team Twilight

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I am eating the most delicious thing I've ever had. Just munching on this golden brown pastry filled with berry goodness is making me feel better than I have in years. Why have I never found anything like this in the human world? I stretch my neck out to grab my fourth pastry with my mouth when my Rosaline walks back into the room carrying a tray of food. She sets it down on a clear spot on the low table and I stare at the new and colorful food. There appears to be a couple bowls of some form of stew, various kinds of salads and what looks like a dozen baked potatoes.

“Go ahead everyone dig in!” she says cheerfully. I stare at the food and then at the twins who seem to have no problem using their extrasensory to move bowls of stew in their direction . Looking at my paws again i'm not sure how to go about eating something like that.

“ whats wrong Alex?” Amber asks around a mouth full of stew. She swallows then dips her muzzle into the bowl for another mouthful.

“Uh… how do I pick one of these up? I don't really have hands anymore and I have a feeling if I try to grab a bowl with my mouth I'll just make a mess.” i say growing frustrated

“Those paws of yours can be more useful than you think. How about this, try to reach out and grab this bowl with your paws.” Rosaline says while levitating a bowl my way. I do as she asks and turn my paws so I can try to hold the bowl between them. I lean more of my weight onto my rear and back legs and balance myself against the low table.

“There you go Alex you're getting the hang of it already” Mom says. “Now dig in, this one will help you regain your strength.”

 I'm guessing I can't use a spoon anymore…” I say noticing with my larger muzzle size I might have a bit of trouble just chomping at it. 

“You probably could if you worked at it but for now you can either pour it into your mouth or lap at it. It's very hot but with you being a fire type it should feel great.” She advised me. I decide for now I would pour it into my muzzle going slowly so as to not make a mess of my fur.

“This is delicious! What's in it?” I ask excitedly as I finish my bowl. 

“Mixture of berries, herbs, vegetables and Deer meat.” She says. This last one causes me to stop.

“I… I've never had deer before… it's actually pretty good. So there are other creatures here besides pokemon?” I ask

“Of course, they tend to be smaller species. A lot of pokemon can survive without meat but some like us need to have at least one meal a day that contains meat in order to stay healthy.” She explains. I start to devour my second bowl, surprising myself at how hungry I still am.

“Hey Alex, Liz and I were wondering if we could ask you something. Would you like to join our rescue team again? It was always our dream to do this with you but we understand if you need time to think about it.” Amber says looking excited. Is that what the badges are about?

“Um… what exactly does a rescue team do? I take it from the name that you save people?” I ask around a mouth full of food, it's just all so good!

“Oh, I'm sorry I was getting ahead of myself. A rescue team is usually a group of two or more pokemon. Our focus is helping Pokemon in need whether it is from a disaster, first aid, search and rescue or law enforcement. If someone is in need we are there to help them!” Amber says practically glowing with excitement. 

“Wait, is that what that badge was about? You said they were our team badges, does that mean I used to be a member?” I ask

“Yep, when we formed our team we were too young to go on missions but guild master Shen allowed us to help in the guildhall and also began training us. I believe he called us his cadets back then.” Liz answers proudly. This makes me stop to think.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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