Chapter 9 Friend or Foe

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Unknown pokemon

Sneaking into the village is child's play, these fools hardly have any security. Instead they appear to be relying on the wards to protect the village entirely. 

Following the trail of my quarry I find myself in the village center at some sort of clearing. Knowing the rescue guilds it is likely reserved for teams recalling back to the village in a hurry. Once again I find a blood soaked patch of dirt. Weirdly around the patch is a variety of flowers growing including a single garcindia flower. They must have a shaymin here…

I move on searching for a likely place they would take a injured pokemon and end up outside a modern looking clinic. It's walls are brick as well as glass allowing for a large amount of natural light. As I wait a pair of machoke open the clinics door. I quickly slip in the open door trusting my small size and my power to hide me 

I find the room I'm looking for and slip inside. My quarry is fast asleep but he is not alone. Surrounding him are a pair of young Vulpix and a Ninetails who nearly encircles my target. I hover closer and reach a paw out to touch his muzzle.

“Don't touch him!” A voice hisses in my mind and my paw is held in place by an invisible vice. 

“It's good to see you too, partner…” I respond likewise with my mind as I turn to find the very awake and very angry face of my former friend.


I wake with my senses screaming that something is amiss. Careful as to not wake any of my children, I extend my senses and quickly find what's wrong. A very unwelcome guest who is almost on top of me. Now that I know what I'm looking for I see the outline of the pokemon. A mew is floating over us and is reaching a paw out to touch my son's face.

“Don't touch him!” I hiss as I clamp a vice of psychic power around the small Pokemons wrist 

“It's good to see you too, partner…” The Mew responds and drops her cloak revealing her to my shock. I know her… not only that we used to be close as sisters until our falling out.  she has the usual pink fur natural to her species but it's not complete. Along her back and on her head are stripes of orange fur. Likely due to the form she wore for nearly two decades.

“What in Arceus' name are you doing here Aurora?” I demand, still resorting to psychic communication 

“What do you think I'm doing here?! I sensed him arriving from the other side of the planet.” Aurora responds with a touch of hostility 

“So after fifteen years you have suddenly decided to care about him! You left him on my doorstep with hardly a word and then disappeared. When you did come back it was to drag me on a mission where your arrogance killed my husband!” I respond in kind, not bothering to hide the venom in my tone.

“If we hadn't gone everyone would be dead! We had no choice!” She shouts back

Before I can argue further i hear a whimper and look at Alex. 

“What's wrong with him…” Aurora asks with an unusual tone in her voice.

Ignoring her I start to hum a old lullaby I would sing to him whenever he was sick. As I hum i see Alex visibly calming and returning to a restful sleep.

“Thats the second time tonight… he is dreaming of his time in the human world. They were not kind to him… I looked into his first nightmare. He was beaten by those that were supposed to care for him” I respond sadly turning my head to look upon my former teammate. 

“All this time he was alive and… human? Are you sure of what you saw?” She asks 

“If the nightmare was truly a memory then yes. The healers also said he had many old injuries as well. It is very likely that they are the result of his time over there” I say watching her reaction. As I expect a look of pure hatred crosses her face but is pushed aside quickly, likely in an effort not to wake anyone. 

“Tell me everything… please Rosaline. I know I have no right to him but I beg of you. You two are all that is left for me in this world…” Aurora pleads.

With another look at my young to make sure that they still slept I recount all that I know.

With a look of sadness Aurora listens to my story all the while not taking her eyes off Alex. 

“Did you ever tell him where he came from?” Aurora asks after I am done.

“Of course not! Your reasoning on this at least was sound. I have no wish for someone to hurt him to get to you.” I say trying to remain civil.

“That is good… you know I never stopped caring for either of you. A few times a year I would sneak by and watch for days just to watch over you two.” Aurora says

“Why did you never actually come into the village like a sane person?” I ask.

“Would you have let me anywhere near your family… after what happened?” she says with a sad laugh

“I… Yes I probably would have lashed out at you on sight” I say and with that admission a quiet takes hold. I've been angry at her for so long. A deep raging infernos that would have consumed me if not for my young.

“So what do we do now? If they are after him, he will be in danger here. We must make a plan.” Aurora says

“I know… but not tonight. We don't even know the whole story. We must wait for him to wake up and see what he knows.” I say

“Ok, I'll leave you be and go repair the wards. Some idiot hasn't been maintaining them since the last time I was here.” Aurora says. As she leaves her form begins to fade from sight “I truly am sorry Rosy. Please believe that.” 

Before I can respond she leaves the room. With nothing else to do I return my head to my paws and drift back into a light slumber.

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