Chapter 5 Medic

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My ears are ringing and I can feel my breath trapped in my lungs. It's him… after all of these years he is here…

“Liz snap out of it! I know it looks like him but we can't focus on that now, We have a job to do and two injured! You check the big one I'll check on his friend” amber orders

I shake my head like I'm trying to remove water from my coat  and trot up to the downed Growlithe

“Wish we had brought our satchels…” I say as I look over the canine. He is bleeding from multiple slashes across his pelt and has a large piece of wood lodged in his side. I sniff one of his wounds and recoil from the scent. “Mines been poisoned! Can already smell it in his blood!” I say

“We don't have the right supplies for poison, use your oran salve on the worst of the wounds and try to get some reviver seeds into him” amber says 

“Ok let's get you stabilized” I say as I use my mind to reach into the small pouch under my bandana. It always feels weird doing this and I know my eyes have likely taken a creepy purple glow. The vial of crushed oran berries and a trio of revival seeds come floating out in front of my muzzle and I begin easing the seeds into the Growlithes mouth. 

“That's it you've got this Liz, I'm passing you some extra oran salve. Your patient looks more beat up then mine.” Amber says as I reach out with my mind and take over manipulation of the extra vial

“These seeds should give you a burst of energy. I think I better put this on that puncture…” I say starting to smear the salve around the largest puncture wound. As the salve begins to boost the healing process I slowly ease the skewer of wood out of the canine's flesh.

I almost have it completely out when I hear the veils alarm off in the distance. Only time that sounds is… “amber we need to get out of here, the advance warning is going off!” I say in alarm

Before amber can respond a voice comes from three different directions “this is guild master shen, class S aura signature has been detected. All field teams pop escape orbs, we are raising the veils wards in three minutes!”

“What is a legendary doing in this area?”  But I've stopped paying attention.  In shock I look next to the fallen Growlithe and I see a badge lying there next to the large canine's body. It is face up for all to see and my blood runs cold… The badge is that of a young recruit still with the initial  pink gem. Above the gem is the owner's name Alex and underneath is the team name TWILIGHT. Our team name that the three of us came up with together.

The recovery teams never found his body or his badge… this has to be him!  Where has he been all this time? Why did he never come back? My mind is rolling in questions but I shake my head to clear it. We have to get him out safely!

“I think he is stable enough to move, let's get out of here” I say. 

Amber nods, pulling a small glass orb out of her pouch. “FB, prepare for transport”she says as she breaks the orb.

As the fragile glass breaks my world blinks out before blinking back into focus leaving me with the feeling of being upside down and inside out. I hate those freaking things!

I stumble almost falling next to the injured Growlithe. I'm just beginning to regain my sense of balance when I hear a gasping breath from the large canine. Placing my ear against his pelt I can hear his heart struggling to beat and a deep wheezing sound from his lungs. I can't lose him again! 

“Medic!” I call out to the night in desperation.

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