A Day of Mystery and Sorrow

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As soon as I finish getting dressed for school I head downstairs only to be tackled by my fenneken Flametail. “good morning” she says with an excitable yap. 

“Good morning to you too fuzzball” I sat with a tired yawn

Flametail sits and looks at me cocking her head “Are you OK? Was it that dream again?”

With a tired sigh, I nod. “They are changing though. Becoming more… real if that makes sense?”

after a moment's hesitation flametail says “You need to tell your mom maybe she can help.

“No” I immediately say “she already thinks I'm weird for having conversations with my Pokémon. She will think I'm crazy!”

“But I'm worried about you, you look like You've barely slept,” Flametail says with a whine

“Will you drop it if I promise to tell her if it keeps up?” I ask

“Guess that will have to do, now go eat. I hear your sister coming” Flametail says

“talking to yourself again twerp?” my sister Karen says as she walks by with a huff. 

“no just talking to flametail here,” I say pointing at the fenneken. 

“You mental! Pokémon can't talk!” she says working herself up to a rant. 

Before I could respond our mom shouted from The other room “Karen leave Your brother alone, both of you come to eat. You're going to be late for school.” 

“He is not my brother he is a stray” Karen grumbles and storms off

I follow behind, my mood already turning blue. 

“There is supposed to be a massive storm this afternoon so I want you both home immediately after school. Karen makes sure to walk home with your brother “ Rose My foster mother says.

“Great, babysitting duty again?” Karen grumbles

After a quick breakfast, I grab my bag and with flametail right at my side, I begin my walk to class. While I walk to class I pull out my Most treasured possession.  I've been told it's the only thing I had on me when I was found as a young child. It appears to be some sort of metal circle with a pink gem in the center and wings on the side. Engraved along the top of the Gem says Alex. Along the bottom of the gem is engraved TWILIGHT Pocketing my treasure I keep making my way to school

A few hours later I take my lunch to my usual picnic table to draw and be alone. Fennekin hops onto the table and looks at what I'm drawing. 

“What's this?” She asks as she looks at my sketchbook.

“I've been trying to remember my dream. I know I'm some sort of Pokémon but all I have to go from is a muzzle and reddish fur” I say

“Hmmm. Kind of looks like a growlith muzzle to me” Flametail says “Remember that one we saw a couple of weeks ago?”

I palm my face and groan. “I'm supposed to be a Pokemon trainer! What kind of trainer am I if I can recognize  a Pokemon?” I say while laying my head on the table

“A lame one if you ask me!” a voice I recognize too well as coming from the local bully Randon.

I grab my stuff and try to bolt for it but run face-first into someone. I fall back onto my rear and look up into the angry face of Jeremy, Randon's henchman

“hey freak because of you Eric can't come to class anymore!” he growls menacingly 

“Jeremy let's show him what happens to rattatas!” With a swift kick, Jeremy sends me reeling back into the grass

“Stop that or I'll bite you!” I hear a flametail scream.

“Shut your yap mutt!” Randon growls and I hear a sharp yelp

“Don't hurt her!” I yell attempting to charge Randon but I'm caught by the neck by Jeremy 

“You're going nowhere, freak!” He says as he punches me in the face and With that the blows kept coming.

I came to with the voice of Flametail in my ear “Alex please get up. Please!”

With a pained cough, I Respond “I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. Everyone is right I am useless.” I shakily get to my feet and look around. “I'm tired of this” and with a deep endless pit of dread, I begin to walk away from the school into the heavily falling snow.

“Go home fuzzball!” I growl and then stumble over a buried rock. I fall and curl up in the deep snow to cry and wait for the end.

“I'm with you forever Alex, I'm not going anywhere” as she curls next to my face to try to keep me warm. 

I've lost track of time and between my wounds and the cold, I feel myself fading.

“Brave child, first Victim of the great calamity it is time for you To return home,” a calming voice says as everything becomes golden and light I find Myself falling

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