Chapter 4 Rough Landing

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I am still falling… How long have I been falling? Couldn't have been long considering how fast I'm going. Suddenly the blue flames around me intensify and in a flash, I appear to be flying over a Forest valley. I try to move but some invisible force seems to have me pinned. All I can see is my Pokémon's pained face, how could I have done this to her? I should have changed direction and headed for safety for both of us!

I begin to struggle against my invisible bonds but stop when I hear a voice. “Dear child you must rest, your journey has just begun” and with those words my world fades away.


 “Faster, you must go faster. He is not ready, he will need your help!” a voice pleads from the darkness.

We both stopped to look around realizing that we had both heard the same thing.

“Don't stop! If you want to save the life of the one you both hold Dear then RUN!” The voice shouts seemingly out of nowhere

“Watch out, got one to your right!” Liz says as she unleashes a ice beam at an infected butterfree knocking it out of The air

“keep moving, someone must be where that meteor crashed!” I shout while nodding my thanks “FB where are you, we need your support Now!

“I'm coming my lady, would be quicker if someone hadn't banned me from flying…” FB responds 

With a huff, Amber says “I would let you fly if you weren't  A risk of burning HALF THE VALLEY DOWN!” 

“you wound me my lady you just don't understand how to make a grand entrance” FB responds indignantly.

“Just get here!, you have my permission this once to light it up!” I says

An excited laugh comes through as FB says “One grand Entrance coming right up!” And the connection drops

“Are you sure that was a good idea, I mean after what happened in the village?” Liz asks. 

“No but if we are going to make it to the crash site in one piece we might need that hyper maniac's help” I say “watch it we have more company!” 

As we  look back we can see an infected rhyhorn and coming up behind a full grown tyrantrum. 

“Fudge” we both say in unison and take off in a dead sprint.


“Alex, come on the water won't hurt you! Lets play!'' I hear a voice and look towards the pond below me.

“Liz, I am a fire type. Fire and water don't really get along…” I hear myself say. 

“You just don't want to get your fur wet!” Liz replies

“Do you know how long it takes to get this fur dry…” I grumble

“Well i tried, do it amber!” Liz shouts and I feel myself get shoved off the ledge and down into the pond.

I break the surface just in time to get splashed in the face by amber splashing down Next to me. 

“You should see your fur, you look like a big hairball!” Liz giggles

“Oh You two are so dead.” I say in mock seriousness as i use my large paws to send a large splash of water at liz

“Dear child touched by calamity, you must awaken. I have done all I can for your wounds but you're still in grave danger!” I ignore the voice not wanting this dream to end. “WAKE UP!” The voice shouts  and I am dragged out of the dream. With a groan I try to lift my head out of the grass but it feels wrong, everything hurts.  I try to lift my hand to rub at my eyes but what comes towards my face is no hand but a paw.

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