Falling Stars

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Amber looks up at the stars and sighs sadly 

“Knew I would find you out here again.” A soft voice says. Amber looks back to See her twin Sister Liz softly padding up the trail behind her. 

“I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk… I kept thinking about him…” Amber says trying her best to hold back another round of tears.

Liz sits next to her sister and nuzzles her side “ I know… Tomorrow will be six years since the rockslide.”  her own eyes start to tear up.

“If we hadn't Been playing around… if I hadn't suggested taking The long way to class maybe… Maybe he would still be alive” Amber says between heart-wrenching sobs.

“You can't keep doing this to yourself, Amber. There was no way any of us could know that half The mountain would come down on top of us.”Liz says quietly

“But…” Amber begins to say but is cut off

“No buts Amber! We were children back then. Dumb, ignorant kids Just looking for fun and adventure. You remember  How he was, he would have insisted on taking that path anyways just for the sights” Liz says insistently 

“Why did He have to die, Liz? He could have just run instead of pushing us, we could of all made it!” Amber says

“He did what he always Did, Protect us. Remember that time we Were Exploring Crystal Lake? We ran into a Magikarp That was stuck on the beach” Liz says to her sister

With a sad laugh Amber responds “yea all we wanted to do was poke the poor Pokemon but when we did it evolved. Thought we were done for but then he jumped in front of us taking a hydro pump meant for us. He played pidgy with that monster long enough for us to get away And was still laughing when he Was done.”

“How about the time we decided to see if we could find any honey in that beedrill nest? He managed to grab both of us by our scarves and ran with us dangling with an entire hive of angry beedril jot on our tails “ Liz says laughing at the memory

Amber sobers up and sighs. “I do miss him.”

“I know, how can we not? He was practically, our brother he was with us since our mom found him as a pup.” Liz says sadly “We never did find out where he came from…”

“But he was family and that's all that mattered,” Amber says “We miss you bro I wish you were here. Things are a mess, the town… no the world appears to be crumbling. We Could use your guidance right now” 

“I still can't believe they never found him. Half the town had to have been digging for days and all we found was a ripped piece of his scarf.” Liz says “Do You think he somehow made it out?” 

With a sad smile, Amber looks towards the grave marker for their Brother. The grave had the name Alex Frostfire engraved On it. “If anyone could It would be him, just wish If He was Out there that he would stop procrastinating and come home.”

“That sounds like him alright he…” Liz stops as a found boom shakes The region.

“What is that!” Amber shouts in alarm “Is it happening again?”

“Amber look what that light up there?!” Liz shouts

“I think it's a meteor and it's heading this way! No wait is that two meteors!?” Amber asked as they both watched both meteors impact the forest floor far below in a brilliant explosion of blue flame

Liz taps her Explorer Team badge and speaks into it. “FB you hear me? A couple of meteors just crashed in the serenity forest we are moving to investigate please meet us there”

“Copy boss! Meet you two Ladies there” comes the reply and with an eye roll both vulpix take off to the forest entrance

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