ch 11 Humans, tours and lunch

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I'm so happy to see Flame doing well and with a nod from Rosaline I fill her in on what she missed.

“Wow… wait so you were a pokemon first, then a human and now back to being a pokemon? How does that happen? I've only heard of a few species that can shape shift like that and neither of your forms are one.” Flame says with her head tilted.

“I have no idea, apparently my brain has been through a blender and I've forgotten nine years of my life like it was nothing. Uh I'm getting such a headache…” I groan.

“I think it's better if we take a break from trying to bring up memories for now. You have already made progress but we don't want to cause you any pain. We can continue tonight if you would like.” Rosaline says.

“Ok, that might be best. I feel like the memories are there if i just reach for them hard enough but the more i do the worse this headache gets.” I say.

“May i ask a question about the other humans? Once they completed their quest and the world was saved what happened to them? Did they return to the human world or did they stay in this one as a pokemon? If Alex is really here to save the world but was originally a pokemon what will happen to him when we are done?” Flame asks

“Well three of the humans were sent back to the human world after their jobs were done. One was named Zack the mudkip, who after saving the world from a meteor was sent back to the human world. He ended up being returned here due to the deep heartfelt wishes of his friends and his picachu partner. Another is Jeremey the charmander who not only came from the human world but also from the future. In the end him completing his quest ended up erasing himself from history. As a thank you to him and his Shinx partner the legendary of time Dialga brought him back to life. He is still alive and if ive heard correctly is a guildmaster of his own exploration guild.

“Wow… you said there were four humans though, what happened to the other two?” I ask

“Patience young one i, getting to them… just one of these humans was very dear to me. Ok the third human that was brought here is the Axew named Scott, he was brought here to deal with an ice spirit that was intent on freezing the world solid. After he was done the spirit of life forced him to return to the human world. His friends  were supposed to lose their memories of him but they retained them. They managed to convince the spirit of life to help them and they made a wish at a special cave. There Scott was given the choice to come back, he did and the spirit of life gave him another gift. He was given the power to travel between our world and his whenever he liked.”

“Thats possible? How?” Amber asked

Many things are possible  in this world, some defy belief. The last pokemon… is my dear friend John the Growlithe. We were raised together as neighbors and friends in Serene village. We quickly grew close and ran away to create our own expedition team. Throughout our journey to map the world we uncovered a danger to the world itself. We discovered an entity calling itself The Darkness was working behind the scenes to bring down our civilization. Of course we couldn't stand back and watch, so we began to grow in strength as well as numbers, eventually coming in direct confrontation with the creature. We succeeded in beating the creature and John, myself and our new teammate Aurora the Mew continued our expeditions. John unfortunately has been missing for nearly ten years and with Aurora traveling the world seeking him our team disbanded.

“If i was really a pokemon to begin with does that mean ill be staying here?” i ask

“Knowing Cressalia she will likely either give you a choice as to whethere to return or not. If this is the case, may I ask what you will do?” Rosaline asks

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