Chapter 7 Recovery

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We can hardly move, it feels like if we do move we might break the illusion that our brother is actually here… he is actually in front of us. we are just spectators now in the fight for his life. It's been just a few minutes since the medical team moved us away and began work on him… it's not looking good.

“Liz! Amber! Are you two ok!” A feminine voice and we both turn around to see our mother moving up behind us at a brisk trot. Her fur is a dull yellow with orange ear tips and orange tips to all nine of her tails.  Around her neck hangs a glittering sapphire colored scarf and attached to that is her diamond ranked badge.

“Mom!” We both say in unison as we rush to her.

“What happened out there? Are you hurt? It looks like you have been crying. What…” her voice trails off and we can see her sniffing the air, eyes going wide in shock.

“Mom… we found him… Alex he's alive…” I say in-between sobs “we tried so hard to get to him but we were too late…”

“oh my puppy, what has happened to you…” she says with her ears going down. She appears to be close to tears herself. As we watch the Kadabra blinks back into existence next to our brother. In his arms and clinging to his back are a trio of shaymin.

Two of the shaymin being carried are in their night forms which resemble little green hedgehogs each with a small flower tucked behind a ear. The third shaymin dangling from the Kadabras back is in its day form which resembles a small deer. As the Kadabra sets down the two smaller shaymin the third releases its hold and using its wing like antlers, it hovers to the ground. 

“Stay here girls, I must be certain…” our mom says as she begins to head towards our brother. 

The Kadabra sees her coming and moves to intercept her.

“Rosaline I have to ask you to not come closer, let the healers do their work.” He says in a gruff voice.

“Charles you know I respect you but if that is truly my son over there I am getting past. Now move or I'll rip your arms off and feed them to you!” She says menacingly as her tails spread out and start glowing with power.

“Go mom…” I whisper in shock at this outburst. Holding up his hands Charles steps aside and lets our mom past. She approaches the scene carefully, letting her power slip and lowering her ears in respect to the shaymin. 


I approach the scene carefully so as to not disturb the shaymin as they check over the victim. 

“I have answered your call for aid lady Jennifer” the sky form shaymin says reaching out a hoof to shake her paw. As I watch the exchange I noticed a flower hanging around a foreleg. A garcindia flower to be exact, special to the shaymin species. 

“I thank you for the aid Everett” Jennifer says shaking his  paw “our victim has been badly poisoned and appears to be suffering from significant blood loss and possible internal damage. We have tried our salves but he is not reacting as we had hoped.”

“We will do all we can to assist” The larger sky form says. “Ok let’s start by removing this poison, do you two remember the procedure? 

“Yes master everbloom.” the two smaller shaymin respond.

“Let us proceed then with our purity veil.” Everett says and all three begin to glow a brilliant emerald which proceeds to spread to the downed Growlithe. 

As they work I carefully move around so I can get a closer look at the downed Pokemons head.  I stop as I find what I am looking for and it stops me in my tracks. It is small but it is distinct, a small crescent moon birthmark on the side of the canine's muzzle. He is older but there is no mistaking the face of my lost child.

“Oh Alex it is you… how is this possible?” I say to myself. Taking a deep steadying breath I reach into my well of power and extend my mind towards him. Brushing my mind against his I get a shock of emotions. Regret, anger, sadness, determination all assail my mind but mainly I get a sense of deep confusion.  The sheer weight of the emotional hurricane prevents me from going any deeper.

“My pup… what has happened to you?” I say  as I allow my power to retreat. My mind whirls with questions but I keep returning to the confusion I felt… it was nearly all encompassing .Watching helplessly despite all my power, I take a couple of steps back and sit so as to not be in the way. 

As I watch a purple sludge starts oozing it's way out of my son's wounds only to glimmer and melt away.

“This one is very strong, this amount of damage as well as poison should have killed him” Everett says “I can feel him, his will to live is growing by the second. I will begin using synthesis, you two keep cleansing him of poison”

The two smaller pokemon nod and their emerald glow intensifies even more. 

Everett turns my way with a knowing look on his muzzle. Has he somehow figured out our connection? .“I have heard of you Rosaline, you are a master at manipulating objects with your mind. I want you to follow my power and ease the wood and other debris out of him piece by piece as I heal.” He says.

Nodding I spread my tails out in a fan and reach for my deep well of power. Before we begin I reach out with my mind to touch those of my daughters. “I need you to go home and grab his scarf. I sense that he may need the comfort it brings when we are done.” I say calmly. I look to the side to see Amber turn tail and make her way through the crowd.

“Let us begin” Everett says as his emerald and my purple energy start enveloping wounds one by one.


I begin to become aware of myself again and the first thing I notice is pain, lots of pain. Along with the pain comes the feeling that something is burning me from the inside out. I try to scream, try to get up but my body is not responding to me. As I lay there begining to panic a soothing feeling starts to wash over me.

Voices begin to make sense and I start to be able to think more clearly. “Let us begin” I hear an unknown voice says and the soothing sensation intensifies, drowning out the pain. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a stunning sight. It is a Ninetails with her eyes glowing purple and body sheathed in flowing power. I take in the sight and feel a strange sense of familiarity. I get the strong sense that I know her but my brain is failing to make the connection 

“Do I know you?” I manage to croak out. At first I don't think she heard me but her glowing gaze shift to my face. I am startled to see tears leaving long wet streaks through her fur.

“It's ok my pup I have you now, rest… we will talk when you have recovered.” She says tenderly and almost like it was a command my world fades again.

S class pokemon

The small pokemon zips up to the illusion effect surrounding the village it knows is there. 

“ So they still know how to activate the wards of illusion… it won't stop me though.” The pokemon says as she waves her paw creating a gap in the illusion

“Luckily I have the key” she says as she flys through the gap and quickly envelopes herself in power to render herself invisible.

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