Chapter 6: The Virtual Vixen (Levi's POV)

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If Scarlett didn't knock on the door to stop our seven minutes in heaven I wonder how far Kelsi would have wanted to go. She knew that the timer went off but she wanted more, and so did I. My mind lingers somewhere in that seven minutes in heaven game. Why did Kelsi want to keep going? Do we have feelings for each other or maybe it was years of that tension longing to get out?

The game continues and Justin has a turn with Marion. After everyone's had a turn Justin finds me.

"So how was it kissing Kelsi?" I knew at some point my cousin would corner me about his new territory. If it wasn't Kelsi I wouldn't care, but I need to play it cool.

"It's just a party game, Justin. I know you're interested in my best friend."

"She's hot though. I don't know how you're friends with something like that and not at least curious what touching her everywhere might feel like, taste like, or smell like."

I'm a guy of course I want to go all the way with Kelsi. I've always wanted to touch her everywhere for years. But I never do, because we're best friends. It must be the hormones fucking with my brain, I used to tell myself that until I noticed Kelsi noticing me back at times in those small moments. Are we ever going to have an honest conversation about the sparks that were flying in that closet?

"Oh come on. It's Kelsi. You can have her, coz." I don't mean it do I? Do I want to think of Justin taking her virginity before I do? Why am I so confused about Kelsi? Why am I so interested in her virginity?

This is Kelsi Long we're talking about. The girl I grew up with. The best friend whose hair I used to pull in second grade for fun. The girl whose mother had me tag along when she bought her first training bra at eleven. Scarlett was sick that day and Kelsi wanted me for support even if it meant waiting on a chair outside the changing room.

I can't imagine my life without Kelsi in it. Maybe our friendship made me have feelings for her. Now that Justin's in my territory I need to defend her.

"Are you sure? You seem kind of attached." What does that even mean or look like? How does one look attached to their best friend?

"Of course, I'm attached idiot. She's my best friend and I don't want you fucking and dumping her."

Anger explodes out of me. I've never yelled at Justin, especially not about his man whorish habits. But I can't have him hurt Kelsi and dump her to the side like trash. The way he does all of them.

"I would never do that to someone you care about. You know me better than that man. But if you want me to wait until the ski trip, I'll bow out until then. She was your friend long before I wanted to fuck her."

This is the opportunity I need, to buy myself some time. Maybe even have a little more time with Kelsi to figure out if I actually like her the way I hope I don't.

"Yeah, I think for now she needs to focus on learning how to ski and ice skate for the trip. Then you can get to know her better."

Justin starts laughing and bites his tongue like a toddler. I know that look that's the 'I have a dumbass comment to say and because you are my cousin I get to blurt it out without a filter' look.

"Don't worry it won't just be the skis that I'll be plowing with. It will be your friend! I can't wait to get that little vixen to myself and spread those smooth legs apart."

I knew staying the night at Justin's house after that dumb fuck party was a terrible idea. I just didn't know it would get me jealous all over again.

"Stop talking about Kelsi like that before I hit you."

Justin just laughs and tosses a controller at my lap. Nothing like a fighting video game to blow off some steam. This game is rated mature and Mister immature is showing me where all the women to fuck in the city are. Our virtual characters hit up bars and his avatar fucks eight women to gain health points.

"Hey check out this virtual vixen. She looks like that pretty thing you've been hiding from me."

I can't help it. I stare at the naked avatar and think of Kelsi. Justin's avatar fucks the virtual woman he's nicknamed 'Kelsi' and the controller vibrates in Justin's hand. He sets the controller on himself and he gives himself a hard-on thinking about my best friend. The virtual slut moans his name and Justin replies. It's enough to make me sick.

I watch the screen as the Kelsi-like avatar moans and tosses her head back. I turn the video game off, it's too much listening to my cousin get turned on by my best friend.

"I'm leaving. Good night, Justin."

Justin doesn't say anything as I grab my backpack and he turns the game back on. As I close the door I hear the Kelsi-like avatar moan Justin's name in the background again. That ski trip is going to be hard for me if I can't even handle him virtually fucking my friend now.

I get into my car and drive to Orion's house. He lets me crash on his floor. Justin was playing with me, his own cousin. He wanted to see how I'd react to him banging a virtual Kelsi.

"Why did you come here so late? I thought you were staying at Justin's. Did something happen you look pissed?"

Orion already suspects I'm in love with Kelsi and maybe I am. I know I like her a little at least. Justin isn't wrong she's stunning. She's gorgeous. She's out of my league and totally above me.

"I am fucking pissed. My damn cousin decided to see how I would react to him virtually fucking an avatar that looks like Kelsi. That sick bastard."

"Wow. That is pretty low, even for Justin. Don't let him get to you. That sucks though, man. I have to ask did you and Kelsi actually kiss in the closet? You never told me otherwise. I know you have that whole pact thing going on between you two. Which I think is stupid by the way."

Orion isn't afraid to ask the hard questions. It's why I am friends with him, he keeps it real. He roots me in reality in a way Justin never could. After tonight I don't think I will be hanging with Justin for a while.

"Yeah, we decided that the pact could be suspended for the party."

"How was it?" Orion searches my face for a reply.

"She kissed me back. The timer went off and she pressed into me for more as I was pulling away. It doesn't mean anything though. It was a one-time thing. It was a party fling."

Orion hands me a slice of pizza and puts a hoodie over his head.

"Say what you want, but you two dig each other. She kissed you more after that timer went off. Use your brain. I swear you two have been dancing around each other with that stupid pact for years. What the hell is that pact even for?"

"It's to make sure we always stay friends. If I like her, it's game over. If she likes me, it's game over. If we fuck it's game over. Don't you get it? Years of our friendship would go down the tube if we ever got really involved with each other. Were there sparks at the party? Yes, clearly we have intense chemistry together but we can't do anything about it. So other than flirting with her a little, I don't do anything."

I've never explained the pact to anyone other than Scarlett. But she's a girl and she's also involved in the pact. The same rules that apply to Kelsi always applied to Scarlett. I just never viewed Scarlett in that way before, maybe I overlooked her.

"Do you hear how stupid that is? You guys have chemistry and you're best friends. That's the best kind of relationship there is. You're lucky to have Kelsi. Why can't you go and get her, man?"

I turn over and ignore Orion's question. I don't like blowing people off. It's not that simple. Throwing away a friendship I've poured years into is not something I can just let go of so easily without a fight. If I cave into my feelings and we break up, then I will have lost one of the best relationships in my life and that is something I am just not prepared to do at this time.

I close my eyes and my dreams take me to Kelsi. In my dream, our lips are touching and my hands are everywhere. I wake up two hours later knowing that this crush has taken over parts of my life and there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully, it won't get too out of control.

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