Chapter 17: Unwanted Kiss (Kelsi's POV)

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We get to Avalanche Acres and the weekend is filled with many unknowns. I still want to know what Levi was holding back from me. It's not like him to keep information from me. We've told each other everything as far back as I can remember.

My yellow ski jacket matches the duffle bag that sits in Levi's trunk. Justin Baron finds me in the ski lodge standing beside the fire warming my hands. Luckily Levi isn't around, a fight would surely start.

"Hey, pretty thing. So you didn't ride the bus like the rest of us. I was starting to think you weren't coming. I bought you hot chocolate. I hope you like it with almond milk."

I grab the hot chocolate. I'm not one to turn down a free warm beverage. It would be rude to not accept this one small gesture of kindness on Justin's part.

"Thanks. I'm freezing. Are you excited to be here?" Justin has made it clear that he plans to chat my ear off for a while. That forces me to play the small talk card for the next thirty or so minutes.

"Of course I am, pretty thing. You're here and that means we can tell everyone." I look into his eyes and see a familiar smirk. It's a Baron family trait to wear that smirk across one's face. When Levi does it it's with kindness and not a hidden agenda. I'm not sure what Justin's game is but I think I'm about to find out.

"Tell everyone what?"

"That you're my girlfriend." He puts his arm around my shoulder and it doesn't feel like I used to imagine it would. Instead of sending goosebumps down my body it sends electric shocks that whisper leave me alone.

Levi gets out of the bathroom and Justin catches his gaze. Just to piss Levi off Justin puts his lips on mine. I react out of instinct and slap Justin hard across the face. Justin bows at his audience.

"Nice one, bro." Several of his hockey teams mates applaud him. He even high fives a couple of them. Mr. Jones comes over and pulls Justin aside. Instead of causing a scene Levi comes over to me.

"Are you okay, Kelsi?" But for some reason that forced kiss has made me realize that Justin plans on winning me even if I do say no. The words 'no' and 'Justin' can't coexist in any known universe.

"I'm not sure." That's the reply I give. It's all I have to offer in this moment of shock.

Mr. Jones comes over after what appeared to be a long conversation with Justin.

"Kelsi, I'm sorry Justin did that to you. I assure you I will keep my eyes on his as often as I can this weekend. He's getting a few extra assignments from me when we get back to school next week for his unjust behavior. We can talk more after the trip about what Justin's proper punishment will or could be. That depends on you. If you want to press anything against him you are well within your rights. For now let's not ruin the weekend. You came here to enjoy yourself and enjoy yourself you must. The staff of Avalanche Acres has been notified as well to keep an eye on Justin. There won't be any more funny business this weekend."

I appreciate Mr. Jones' attempt to cheer me up. But if there's anything I've learned about Justin he's going to play dirty. Levi was right we really do need a game plan going into the weekend. If we are going to plan one then Levi needs to tell me the missing information that he didn't spill earlier in the car. Without that information I fear there won't be any momentum moving forward this weekend.

"Thanks, Mr. Jones. If it gets to crazy this weekend may I have your permission to leave early."

Mr. Jones nods his head and Levi even agrees with my back up plan. We can make a game plan for us to stay but an exit plan is always the best course of action in emergency situations at least that's what I've come to believe.

"Of course, you can leave early. It would be a shame if you had to leave. But if you need that then that's fine with me."

Mr. Jones passes out our room keys. Scarlett and I are sharing a room. Room 211. The pool is on the second floor along with the hot tub. Orion and Levi are sharing a room. I am glad Mr. Jones had enough sense to keep Levi away from Justin for the weekend. The fight before the suspension was probably his first clue.

Levi helps us take our bags to our room. He leaves them by our door in the hallway.

"Thanks, Levi. I appreciate all you've done." Levi pulls me in and wraps his arms around my waist.

We stare at each other for a minute. I can feel my heart pound against his chest. It pounds for nobody else but him.

"You're welcome, Kelsi, I was wondering if you and I could talk alone sometime this weekend."

Butterflies dance in my chest and flutter to my stomach. I think I know what he wants to talk about. He's going to ask me out. At least I hope that's the case.

"Yeah, that's fine. Want to meet me in the hot tub later tonight?"

Levi smiles and agrees. We'll have to meet each other in the dead of night when all the other students have gone to bed. That's when Levi and I can finally talk about what we are to each other and maybe that conversation he's been avoiding can finally come to light.

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