Chapter 12: Suspension (Levi's POV)

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Best friends can be the best of people and the worst of people. It's all about perspective and how much trust is built up between two people over the years. A single moment can light a friendship on fire and destroy it within seconds. For me the flames could burn at any second. Kelsi and I have played with fire and it's a dangerous element. It's warm and feels good at first but if left untouched it could wipe out any entire forest that took years to grow like friendships take years to nurture.

I've decided to withdraw from Kelsi. I know she's liked Justin for years and then I had to come along and make her rethink her views. Who was I to think I could change her mind about anything? Orion's right the best course of action is to give her space between now and that upcoming trip. As for Justin I've been avoiding him like the plague. For whatever reason he's asked me to continue playing that video game, the one where he jacks off too Kelsi's doppelganger avatar.

The hallways of school buzz with the same daily gossip about who did who over the weekend. I keep quiet, and I know Kelsi will too. We don't need anyone to know we have feelings for each other. It's already complicated enough knowing that Justin may or may not know yet.

Justin finds me in the hallway sporting his red hoodie. Justin likes to wear red when he's about to wage war. I've seen him start enough fights and end them. He's always wearing red during those times. It's no coincidence that he's wearing it and seeking me out. Now that he suspects that I love Kelsi Long.

"Hey Coz. You've been avoiding me." I shrug my shoulders and try to play it off.

"No, I wasn't avoiding you. I was avoiding everyone. Don't flatter yourself." That wasn't very sly of me. If I piss him off we might get into a fight after all.

He puts his hand into a tight fist and slams it against my locker. He's asserting himself like a gorilla. His shoulders are broad as he tries to make himself look bigger than me. We both know I could crush him.

"I'm not stupid. You like Kelsi too don't you? Admit it." He's figured me out. But I mine as well redirect him so Kelsi doesn't get hurt. Justin is unhinged and I heard his warning to Kelsi. He thinks she's a prize mare he has won and I'd better let him off right now.

"It's not what you think. She's my best friend. I was telling her some heavy shit that day. You interrupted us."

Justin's hand slams the locker again only this time near my head. He doesn't like to be wrong or questioned. He just likes to play dirty.

"I interrupted you kissing her. I know what I heard. I've been around awhile. I can see by the look in your eyes that you and Kelsi have done stuff together before. But mark my words, if I ever hear about Kelsi sneaking around with you ever again I'll come after you. She and I have plans for the ski trip and you had to go fling yourself at her just to mess with me. Be sure of this cousin, when I fuck Kelsi, I'll fuck her hard and I'll make sure she never thinks about you again. I'll make her pick. You or me. Her choice. She'll scream my name when we fuck though."

Suddenly my loveable cousin who saved me from drowning on that ice as a child, has turned into a pychopath. He's a monster and somewhere he transformed into it. The signs must have been there all along but I was too busy falling in love with Kelsi to notice.

"You have no right to make decisions on Kelsi's behalf. It's up to her what she wants. I'll see you at the ski trip, Justin. Until then leave me and Kelsi alone."

I turn to leave before the anger inside of me can be triggered anymore than it already is now. The blood rises to my face and I try not to think of Justin as I take a breath in.

"Why do you want me to leave you alone? So you can fuck her before I do? If she's willing to spread those legs open for one Baron boy then why not another?"

I turn around and punch Justin in his lower jaw. It sends him flying backward as recovers and comes at me with his right hook. He gets my stomach. I think I'll be bruised up pretty badly if I don't end this soon. I throw Justin into my locker as Mr. Jones breaks up our fight.

"Levi Baron I will see you in dention. As for you Justin, let's get you to the nurse's station. Levi when I return you and I have a lot to discuss young man. For now report to the principal's office. I'll deal with you later."

I've never seen Mr. Jones so angry with me. But what did I think was going to happen? Of course fighting at school always came with the possibility of suspension or detention. I head to the principal's office and a familiar face stops me.

"Hey, Levi. I overheard what Justin said to you about Kelsi. Is it true? Are you two more than friends?" Marion Strauss, Orion's little sister, asks. I've suspected she's liked me for awhile and if that's the case I don't want to lie to her.

"I'm not sure what we are. Ask Orion. Tell him I give him permission to tell you everything. And Marion, I'm sorry if my feelings for Kelsi have hurt you."

Marion grabs my hand and stops me from my journey to the principal's office.

"I know you didn't meant to hurt me. I'm just glad that you're in my life." Marion smiles at me and if I didn't like Kelsi, perhaps Marion and I in another life could have been together.

Marion let's go of my hand. The last thing I see are her eyes turning red. The color that confirms she's had feelings for me this whole time. It's painful to know someone else cares for me but there is nothing I can do about it.

I get to the principal's office and Mr. Jones soon finds me. He offers me an ice pack for where my cousin hit me.

"Couldn't your family fights wait until after school hours? Justin explained the whole thing to me."

Who knows what string of lies Justin fed to Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones has already judged me before I am allowed to defend myself and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

"Yeah, I'm sure he did. I'd explain myself but you won't give me the satisfaction."

Principal Milton comes out with his grizzly black beard and crossed eyebrows. His nostrils are flaring as he flings the rule book at me. After forty five minutes I'm suspended for three days. They sided with Justin, everyone always does.

I head to my locker and get my belongings. A collection of future assignments is given to me. Mr. Jones stops me in the hallway.

"One more thing, it's been decided that you are still permitted to attend the ski trip. We know how expensive this trip is for your family. And since a refund is no longer possible, we have decided that we will limit how long you are permitted to do anything on the trip. You will report your every move to me during that trip. Your privileges are limited during the trip. You are lucky you are allowed to attend. Now go serve your suspension and I'll see you on friday, Mr. Levi."

I'd rather be suspended from the trip at this point. I've made an ass of myself in front of Kelsi and my cousin has declared war against me. This trip is going to be a disaster and I'm not sure I am interested in being in the line of fire. As long as Kelsi's going, perhaps I have a chance to give us one more shot.

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