Chapter 19: The Ski Lift (Kelsi's POV)

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Sneaking back into the room after becoming Levi's girlfriend is thrilling. Scarlett's asleep and I have a few more hours to sleep before Levi and I tell our friends the news. As I get in bed all I can think about is Justin seeking revenge on Levi. He wouldn't really hurt Levi over this would he? It's hard to be excited about my new relationship status when Justin Baron sits in the back of my mind like a leech. If I sleep I will feel more rested and better prepared on how to proceed next.

I've never had a boyfriend before. It's exciting that it's Levi. It's also terrifying knowing that his cousin could find out at any waking moment. Levi and I agree in a text message to hit the slopes early to have time alone together. If we just stick together then we could have an amazing weekend. Levi agreed to show me how to snowboard. I had to convince Scarlett that I am allowed to do more than just ski. She was keen on me and her doing all the same winter activities. She gets to spend the whole day with Orion because of me, so she's hardly complaining.

My snow pants are making me warm and my lack of experience with snow is catching up with me. I still have to remind myself that it was Levi and Scarlett who had my mom sign the forms behind my back. I suppose I would have warmed up to the idea now that Levi and I are finally together. We still haven't told Scarlett that we are together. She likes to tell everyone everything and with Justin here this weekend that's a risk we have agreed we don't want to take.

It's not that Scarlett's a bad person but her lack of controlling her mouth can get in the way of important things. It has made it hard for me to trust her in the past. She's gotten better but still being the queen of hot gossip has gotten the better of her before.

Levi knocks lightly at my door and I sneak out before Scarlett can ask me about anything. She still doesn't know about last night and our hot tub moment. I will tell her later perhaps after the trip is done and Justin isn't around.

"I like your new yellow ski jacket." It's the new jacket I got online just for this trip. I figured if my friends can force me to go on this trip against my will then I can at least look awesome while making a fool of myself on the slopes.

"Thanks. Let's go get some snowboards and you can teach me how to master the slopes."

Levi never joined a sports team but he's still athletic as far as recreational activities go. He did ski club for six years and knows what he's doing.

Levi's outfit is all black and his eyes are covered by large sun goggles. It stretches around his whole face. It's hard to hold hands while wearing large winter gloves. His winter hat covers his head. In short he looks like a black bear prepared for the slopes. He brought his own snowboard. It's all red.

He helps me get the gear on. As I approach the slope my heart pounds. Then suddenly my fear of heights takes over and the last place I want to be is on the side of a hill with a frozen bruised ass.

"Levi, are you sure about this? Maybe we could do ice skating instead. I think I'm getting cold feet."

"Don't worry. You'll have me to teach you. I know how to control the board to go slowly. You can hang onto me and I'll make sure we don't go too fast. Let's get to the halfway point. There's a part there where it's flat. We can regroup there okay?"

He really is trying to encourage me, and now that I'm his girlfriend I need to show him that I trust him. I place my hands on his and we ride down together. Everything in the world seems possible as long as he's holding me up. We get to the halfway point and he checks in on me. We keep going and finally reach the bottom. Next we get in line for the dreaded ski lift. We take our place in line and he holds my hand.

"I'm scared, Levi. I'm scared of heights. I never told you that before."

It seems silly to admit before we're about to board. But I have no choice but to trust Levi's lead and the ski lift equipment.

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