Chapter 18: The Hot Tub (Levi's POV)

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Quiet hours are upon us. It's the first night of the ski trip. I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask Kelsi to be my girlfriend in the hot tub. The deal between Justin and I is off. He violated Kelsi's lips. That's enough of an insult on my visual senses to render our agreement null and void. Shaking hands is like terms and services, it's a contract that's binding via trust. Justin terminated that right when he decided to psyche me out via kissing Kelsi without her permission or consent. He's turned into an unhinged bastard and I hate that we are related by blood. I wish I could undo genetics but I can't. For now I will just distance myself from what we once shared as best childhood friends.

"It's the middle of the night. Where are you heading off to?" Orion asks as he stirs and rubs his eyes.

"I'm meeting Kelsi in the hot tub. It's the only alone time we might get this whole weekend. Can you cover for me?"

"Yeah, sure thing. Are you going to ask her out?" Orion's goofy grin embarrasses me. I'm already nervous and his comment is not helpful.

"Yeah, I am." Orion gets up from his bed and pats me on the back.

"It's about time. I'm happy for you. I'm going to eat the pizza I brought with me." He heads to the mini fridge and gets a small pizza. It's for one person to use. He eats half of it before I finish getting ready.

I leave the room and head down to the hot tub on the second floor. It's near where Kelsi's room is. Easy access for our middle of the night convenience.

Kelsi is already sitting at the edge of the hot tub. Her feet are splashing around as if she's nervous. Her hands are fidgeting with her long brown braid. Her eyes find mine and my eyes look down at her red bikini. She never wears bikinis. For as long as I've known her she's only worn one piece suits. She's crossed over to bikini land just for me.

"Hey Kelsi. Thanks for coming." It's awkward and hard to dig up the courage to ask my best friend out.

"No worries. I'm still upset about Justin. It's kept me up tonight. I haven't slept much."

I'm such an idiot. I've spent all evening worrying about asking her out and she's been agonizing about Justin's lip stealing act of injustice. Maybe I shouldn't ask her out yet. I want to but maybe she needs more time to mull everything over.

"I'm sorry he did that to you. I should have been there to protect you. I won't let you leave my side for the rest of the weekend. I'll escort you everywhere. And it's like Mr. Jones said if you want to leave early we can. Hell we can ditch this ski lodge and go to the other one an hour away. It's called Mogul Mountain or something like that."

She just needs me to be there for her. Is asking her out a selfish desire on my part? Or if I asked her out would she feel more protected by me?

"I appreciate that, Levi. You're always thinking of others. I've always appreciated that about you."

She blushes a little when she replies. I'm going to do it. I'm going to just ask her. It's time.

"You're welcome. I'd do anything for you Kelsi. Can I ask you something?" My heart pounds and I try to not admire her red bikini.

"Yeah, sure. Why don't you sit down first." She pats the area next to her and I take my seat. I put her hair behind her ear so I can see how lovely she is.

"Kelsi, we've been friends for so long. I can't imagine a life without you in it. I think I'm in love with you. I would really like it if you'd be my girlfriend. Would you like that?"

Kelsi grabs the back of my head and starts to lean in for a kiss. She grins and I smile back. I let her see me blush. I don't care anymore I want her to know more than anything that I love her.

"Yes, I'd love to Levi. I've been waiting for you to ask me. And I love you too." I kiss Kelsi back and this kiss is different than the others. It's slow and deep. The years of wondering if we'd ever be together don't matter anymore because we finally are. The pact we created to prevent this from happening is out of order.

I pull Kelsi into the water and she snuggles with me in the hot tub. Our lips touch again and I pull away, it's not my place to push her especially after what Justin did to her tonight. I'd love to do more with her in the hot tub but not yet. She needs time and as hot as she is in her bikini I'm not ready to have sex with Kelsi yet. I need to talk to Orion first, he'll know how to handle this situation. He always knows how to handle the really important stuff.

"Why'd you'd stop?" Kelsi's question shocks me. I thought she'd be impressed with me trying to respect her space.

"I thought...I mean. I didn't want to pressure you and I don't want to mess things up between us either. We just got together and I don't want to hurt you."

She kisses my cheek and I hand her a towel. Her figure is perfect. I always knew her body was flawless the visual confirmation makes me blush more.

"Thanks, Levi. Yeah, it has been a crazy day. I meant what I said a few weeks back. I still want you to be my know?"

It's too embarrassing to say out loud but I know what she's talking about. Another reason I'm not ready to push her into anything is because I've never done anything with anyone before. Orion has so he knows what to expect. I can't mess things up with Kelsi. I won't.

I take her hand and hold it as we leave the swimming area. I take her to her room and kiss her by the door.

"Good night, Levi." She kisses me again and again. I open the door for her.

"I love you, Kelsi." She smiles at me and replies.

"I love you too, Levi. Thanks for everything." She closes the door behind her and I walk back down the hallway toward my room. I successfully sneak back into my room and Orion is asleep with half a pizza on his chest. I eat the rest of it not caring about germs. I have a girlfriend and she loves me. It's a strange feeling to be loved by my best friend, I only hope we get more alone time on this trip without interference from my no good cousin.

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