Chapter 15: Babe (Kelsi's POV)

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Today's the day of the big ski trip. I've never been more terrified and excited for a single outing. A lot has happened since Christmas break ended. My best friend and I got close in ways I never thought possible. It's Valentine's Day tomorrow and now that I know my true feelings for Levi Baron, this holiday couldn't be anymore nerve wracking. Not to mention all the ski practice, ice skating fails, and parties I've attended this spring semester alone.

This spring semester is anything but boring. I never knew Levi and I could look at each other the way we do. I never knew my heart could pound for my best friend. This ski trip means everything and after this weekend I will know once and for all if Levi and I are meant to be together.

In many ways I think of him as my boyfriend now. Am I supposed to ask him out or is he going to ask me? Are we going to ski together or will I get nervous and fall to my death off the ski lift? The dreaded ski lift holds one of my biggest fears, heights. I am terrified of anything that involves heights. Whether it be rock climbing, hiking by cliffs, or flying in an airplane. I dread anything that forces me to be more than ten feet off the ground. I've read enough about ski lifts to know they range from ten feet off the ground to seventy five feet. Note to self the next time a ski trip is on the horizon do research for the resort the field trip will occur at. That was an oversight on my part.

The ski resort we are blessed to go to is a place called Avalanche Acres. It has some of the best slopes and ramps for snowboarding. That's the one thing I might be good at is snowboarding. I'm a decent surfer when we go to Florida for vacation and I have some skateboarding experience. But Scarlett was dead set on having me ski. Scarlett's always been one to make sure we participate in the same events forever and always.

"Are you all packed?" Scarlett's voice snaps me back into the reality that lay before me. My yellow duffle bag sits on my bed.

"Yeah, I'm all packed." Scarlett inspects my duffle bag. She shakes it violently in my face.

"There's nothing in here, Kelsi. Let me be the first to put something in." She drops leopard printed bras and underwear into the duffle bag.

"What are you doing?" My face gets beet red. Scarlett and I never bought anything on that sexy underwear shopping trip. I got too nervous and self conscious. I tried things on but my judgmental self was my worst enemy in the end.

"I'm giving you the sexy underwear that you deserve. When Levi sees you in this he's going to fall head over heels for you."

"Scar, you really didn't have to buy me all these things. And besides who said I was hooking up on this trip?" Scarlett rolls her eyes as she starts adding random jeans and shirts into the duffle bag.

"You did when Justin was in the picture. I assumed the same outcome applied to Levi. You two should have hooked up ages ago. It sucks that it's the semester right before college."

Her words make me sad inside. My heart experiences the great pain of her words. Sorrow finds my stomach and time marches on. We can't hit pause or rewind. Levi and I had all this time we could have been together and now we only have now until the end of the summer. That's assuming we are a couple by the end of the weekend.

Six months together at best. My eyes do something unexpected and they tear up. Tears are confirmation that I'm a complete goner for my best friend. Levi will take the best parts of me to college next fall. The memories we share will fade with time.

I take the remainder of my clothes and stuff them into little piles into my duffle bag. It's not organized by any means, but with an hour left until the bus pulls out for the ski trip what choice do I have?

Levi: Are you ready for this weekend?

It's the first time in weeks Levi's texted me. My heart pounds at the sight of his name and the fact that that name matches one of my best friends is magic.

Me: Yeah. I'm still packing. We are about to leave.

Levi: Cool. Did you want to sit with me on the bus?

Me: Sure. Or maybe we could just take your car up instead.

I'm glad my wits haven't left me behind. Seniors are allowed to drive separately for the ski trip. I'm not sure if Levi is allowed to or not given he's just finished serving his suspension sentence. Avoiding the bus means skipping the gossip.

Levi: Yeah. Let's do that. Tell Scarlett I'll be there in ten minutes.

Me: Are you allowed to drive separately? You were just suspended.

Levi: Yeah. I got an A on all my assignments. Mr. Jones doesn't care. See you soon babe.

The word 'babe' sticks out like a sore thumb in that text message. He's never called me that before. He's never called anyone that before.

Me: I'll see you soon.

I stop myself from typing 'I love you.' We aren't ready for that yet. We've pushed the edges of our friendship more and more. But we aren't official yet and I want him to ask me out. I'm old fashioned like that. If he doesn't say anything by the end of the weekend then I'll change my mind and ask him. I still believe Levi carries the only remaining burning torch of chilvary left in this part of the country. If not in the country then in the Baron family.

In ten minutes our bags are packed with clothes, snow gear, and all. Levi tosses the duffle bags into the trunk. He slams the door of his car and Scarlett sits in the back by herself forcing me to sit next to Levi in the front passenger seat. It's not her fault she heard my thoughts. It's not her fault that I'm easy to read like an easy reader for an elementary student.

Levi turns the heat up. I haven't said anything to him since our text message exchange. How can I when he thinks he can call me 'babe?' I can't say that that nickname bothers me because it honestly doesn't. It's about time we started dating but I need him to figure that out. I'm sure he'll find his feet this weekend eventually and figure that blessed miracle out.

Levi grabs my hand and holds it in front of Scarlett. He continues driving to Avalanche Acres. The destination of the great ski trip. The windows are cold as the snow outside picks up. It blows across the front of the car and Levi turns the heat up again.

"I want both of you to know that Justin's up to no good this weekend. So we are going into this weekend with a game plan. He wants to beat me at a final competition and we, as in you guys, are going to help me play dirty. I can only assume he will too. You're going to help me make my over athletic cousin lose to me this weekend. I can't let him win. He's the reason I'm suspended in the first place."

I look over at Levi and I can see there's more to the story then he cares to let on. There's no use in dragging it out of him I'll find out sooner or later. Scarlett and I nod as Levi continues our drive to the ski trip. I'm not sure what this weekend has in store but I'm excited to find out.

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