Chapter 12: Not-so Valentine's Day

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A/N: To celebrate Valentine's, this is kind of a special Chapter. I know another Name change, but I'm not good at making titles. This will also be a bit of a flashback Chapter about how Kyra and Winter ran into Hoogi and obtained his Medal, even if he was mentioned in the Previous Chapter.

Everything goes to Kyra's Medallium, as it shows the Page where Hoogi's Medal is, as Kyra then narrated and introduced the Chapter.

Kyra(Narrating): So you all are asking 'How did we get Hoogi's Medal before facing Blamedian'?

Winter(Narrating): I don't think anyone asked that question.

Kyra(Narrating): Well, it all started two weeks ago, before Valentine's Day.

Mesmo and Winter then got confused, wondering what she was getting too.

Mesmo(Narrating): Wait? Who asked that question?

Kyra(Narrating): Just read, you two!

Everything then goes to Kyra and Winter's House, as Winter was watching some Valentine's Day Episode's on a Streaming Website on TV.

Winter: I don't blame him for falling for that rich brat. Get better tastes is all I say!

Mesmo was also watching TV with her.

Mesmo: I don't get it.

Just then, both were greeted by cards in the shape of hearts falling infront of them. They then picked them up, as they opened them.

Winter: When their's Valentine's Day Cards, that'll mean...

Kyra then came up infront of them, announcing them the date.

Kyra: Happy Valentine's Day!

Mesmo didn't get it, but Winter did.

*Insert Intro*

Yo-Kai Hoogi and Cynake

Once Kyra announced what today was, Mesmo looked at his card again, still confused.

Mesmo: Valentine's Day?

Winter: Yeah, it's a date to commemerate the relationship of Love and Friendship between one and another!

Mesmo almost got it.

Mesmo: Oh... so that's what that day was at Yo-Academy!

Kyra and Winter wanted to ask, but Kyra then remembered something, as she brought out two bars of Chocolate and gave them too her friends.

Mesmo: Thanks.

Kyra then smiled.

Kyra: Speaking of friendship, have you guys seen where Falstina went? I tried finding her, but I can't find her anywhere.

Both then got confused of her question, until they heard a disaster inside the kitchen. They looked inside, seeing a large mess.

 They looked inside, seeing a large mess

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