Chapter 17: Blowing off some Steam

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A/N: Now you kind of know sometimes in Yo-Kai Watch, the main character and his Yo-Kai always get into arguements, which is what this Chapter is kind of is about.

Inside Winter's House, their was an arguement going off between Kyra and Mesmo.

Kyra: I can't believe you sometimes!

Mesmo: Yeah? About what?!

Kyra: Well, won't it do you any good if you, I don't know? Helped in battles or something?!

Mesmo: And why would I do that? I'm the only one with a Yo-Pad! Well, second being Blamedian.

Winter, Falstina and Blamedian heard them both argueing inside Kyra's room. Their fight has been going on for a week.

Blamedian: I'm guessing you didn't get enough sleep from what they're complaining about?

Winter: You think? I'm just glad we're not fighting anymore.

Blamedian: Yeah. Best part when that Rainbow Brat almost destroyed us.

Both did a fist bump as Falstina thought of what was really going on. That is when both came downstairs and were still argueing.

Mesmo: You know what? If your acting like this, then I'm leaving!

Kyra: Good! And maybe don't come back too!

They all jumped after what she said, in which made Mesmo actually leave the house. They were still unsure what was going on.

Winter: Weren't you a bit... Too much?

Kyra: He started it!

Winter decided to follow Mesmo outside, as both Yo-Kai were confused on what was going on with both of them.

*Insert Intro*

Yo-Kai Wazzat and Tattletell

Winter followed Mesmo towards town. He was still mad at what happened with him and Kyra, but to Winter, both were still ok, but it was annoying when she was still following him.

Mesmo: Your not the quietest when following me, you know?

Winter: I'm a friend Mes, and Kyra is still to you.

Mesmo gave her a 'Meh' sound, as he then jumped up at a Kid's red balloon and popped it with his wing. That made the Kid upset.

Winter: Wow, and I guess when upset, you pop balloons?

Mesmo still didn't answer her, as he then quickly forgot what he was talking about.

Mesmo: Urr... What was that again?

Winter: You popping the kids balloon?

Mesmo: And why would I do that?

Both then got very confused, as Mesmo decided to go on Winter's shoulder.

Mesmo: Still, not as normal as I do it to Kyra.

Winter: Sure, why not?

She then walked around Town as something was up with Mesmo forgetting what he did.

Once they got to town, Winter was doing some Window shopping around the shopping market for jackets due to it being summer, thinking Kyra would like one.

Once they got to town, Winter was doing some Window shopping around the shopping market for jackets due to it being summer, thinking Kyra would like one

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