Equality Is Not A Sin

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Well it finally happened. Gay marriage is now legal and issued in all 50 states.

History has been made.

But what America just started was a war. The christian ppl are gunna fight against LBGTs but honestly why does it matter if it doesnt inconvenient ur life. Yes in the bible it says one man and one woman but it also states that god knos what everyone is gunna be like before they were even born so dont you think if he knew that they would love the same sex then he would have changed the path of their lives? I think he knew what he was doing and plus its not up to us to judge anyone. Everyone has committed a sin and has been forgiven.

Nobody is perfect, yall cheated, had sex before marriage, lied, stealed, etc. U cant just judge people by their race, nationality, who they are with, its definitely not your right to judge and harm others because of UR belifes. Grow tf up and stop worrying about other peoples lives and focus on ur own and ur own sins and flaws.

Make sure ur perfect before u start judging someone else.

Point made. End of rant lol.

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