enduring the difficult thing called moving forward

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time passed by,
it all seems like a blur,
when you cheated on me,
for a little bit of time with her,
they say time heals all wounds,
but to that, i have this little fear,
because i never thought time would still pass,
and it's already been a year,
too short to move forward,
will take longer to regret,
whatever you did last summer,
has been so hard to forget,
but chances are,
i'd forgive you still,
whatever has happened in the past,
is for mine to heal,
i remember hearing your side,
everything is crystal-clear,
you wanted to hold my hand,
but i do not want you to come near,
rome wasn't built in a day,
and so is my anger,
accumulation of so much questions,
wishes of clarity hereafter;

i love you,
please do not hurt me anymore,
i want us to start again,
let's rewrite our lore,

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