slow kill

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i keep remembering it
all over again
i question my worth every time
why did you do this to me?
what did you think about when—
when you decided to hurt me?
was it a conscious decision?
i couldn't stop myself
from crying every now and then
was i not enough?
please tell me anything
answer anything at all
just so i can have the reason
if i was at fault

and now here are
the after effects of what happened
and how fucked i became mentally
questioning my worth
and what i can do
despite doing everything i can
to show how much
i am in love with you

why did you do this to me?

i admit
i became even more suicidal
and that day
when you confessed what you did
i knew i wanted to end it all then
i was so ready

no, i didn't commit
no, i didn't die
but what you did
killed me still;
a slow kill.

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